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Konica Minolta and Sony

Colin O

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<p>Since there seems to be some confusion about what Konica Minolta

and Sony have actually announced so far, I'm posting the relevant

sections here. These are taken from the joint Konica Minolta/Sony

press release [<a


Konica Minolta</a> | <a



Sony</a>] and the <a


additional Konica Minolta release</a>. I've inserted any footnotes

into the text and made some minor proof-reading corrections - I

speak better English than whoever wrote the releases!</p>


<p>"Since July 2005, Sony Corporation (Sony) and Konica Minolta

Photo Imaging, Inc. (Konica Minolta PI) have been working on the

joint development of digital single lens reflex (SLR) cameras."</p>


<p>"Under this agreement, on March 31 2006, Sony will receive

certain assets from Konica Minolta PI that are necessary for the

development, design, production and so forth of digital SLR cameras

compatible with Konica Minolta PI's 'Maxxum/Dynax lens mount

system'. Sony will accelerate development of new digital SLR cameras

based on and compatible with the Maxxum/Dynax lens mount system with

a view to marketing these models this summer."</p>


<p>"On the basis of its ongoing 'selection and concentration',

Konica Minolta Group will concentrate on its core 'business

technologies' field and its strategic 'optics and display devices'

field and withdraw from the camera business [excluding production of

digital SLR cameras and interchangeable lenses for Sony] as of March

31, 2006."</p>


<p>"In the camera business, we reached an agreement in July 2005

with Sony Corporation (Sony), who have numerous image sensor

technologies such as CCD and CMOS, to jointly develop digital SLR

cameras. In order to continue to have our customers use Maxxum/Dynax

lenses, and to maximize the possibilities of the optical, mechanical

and electronics technologies accumulated through development of SLR

cameras in the years to come, we came to the conclusion that it was

best to transfer assets concerning the camera business to Sony.

Since then, we have been negotiating with Sony, and as a result, we

have reached an agreement with Sony to transfer a portion of assets

regarding digital SLR cameras to Sony. In this relation, we have

decided to withdraw from the camera business [except for digital SLR

cameras and interchangeable lenses produced for Sony], such as film

cameras and digital cameras, within the Konica Minolta Group as of

March 31, 2006."</p>


<p>Also worth noting: "Ever since the introduction of the world's

first body-integral autofocus SLR camera (Maxxum/Dynax series) in

1985, SLR cameras have become more popular among picture-takers, and

we have succeeded in selling 16 million units of interchangeable

lenses since then."</p>


There you go - clear as mud. Nothing new, but I know you'll love to

add some more speculation anyway! (Only a few weeks till all the

speculation is null and void anyway.)

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I doubt camera things will clear up much before the first dslr hits the pavement in northern hemisphere summer this year - August maybe? I do think that some of the accessory and service/parts and similar issues may start clearing up some in April. I don't expect much lens clarification except in conjunction with the camera releases.


Although I don't expect it, releasing (or clearly discussing) a significant lens or two would be very comforting.

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I have just tried to order some spear parts from a KM repair centre. And the tech told me that he will try to send it out to me but as of this morning they have been having problems getting parts. They are not informed as to what is happening but the rumour is that Sony will take over repairs and that KM will provide them with parts for 7 years. Also that the handover isn�t going as well as planed and my need to be pushed back until 1/7/06. But this is all only rumour.
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To me this is corporateze for saying we'll see a Sony/KM camera body (label uncertain) with a

Sony CCD or CMOS with anti-shake. Our old lenses will fit, now and in the future. So will the

new ones in development. KM makes the best mechanisms in the 35mm business, and I

suspect that will continue with the new KMS. KM does quite well in the lens business, too.

The only difference I can see is that instead of subcontracting to one another, KMS becomes

one team in the DSLR business to develop new and better products based on the far deeper

pockets of Sony. Will there be growing pains -- of course. It's just a natural consequence of

mergers and acquisitions. I'm encouraged. It could have been much worse had the KM

camera business been left to swing in the breeze.

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Pete- The Sony DSLR will say SONY on it, as KM has announced that they are out of the photo business as of the end of this month!!! Can't you understand this? KM got out of the 35mm business awhile ago, so there will not be any 35mm cameras coming from SONY. Can't you understand this? And KM will become a sub-contractor to SONY, producing products, whole or parts, for them. Can't you understand this? This is not a merger or acquisition, other than KM selling certain assets to Sony. It's no different then if you sold something to someone. You don't then become part of that person. Sony and KM are not becoming a TEAM. Sony sells parts to Nikon, are they a team? No, they are two companies doing business with each other. Sony buys lenses from Canon, are they a team? No, they are two companies doing business with each other. Can't you understand this?
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The biggest question I have regarding the Sony/KM deal is whether Sony will have SSM lenses? I have a Maxxum 9 which I haven't ungraded to accept SSM lenses because KM only had two lenses, and they were both very expensive and rarer than hen's teeth. If Sony does come out with SSM lenses, will they upgrade my camera, or am I out of luck?
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Sony Corporation are having a bad time at the moment, laying off thousands of workers and closing 11 of their factories. It's worth recollecting that the Sony board does not have the interests of the KM users at heart. They merely regard the KM deal as the basis for a planned revenue stream, and not even a very big one by their standards. If things get really tough it could be sacrificed at the stroke of a pen
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Brian, at least Sony is going to give it a try. If it weren't for Sony, you probably wouldn't be able to get any new camera, as KM would have abandoned the photo business anyway. KM isn't a charity, they weren't making camera for the fun of it. They needs to have the interest of their shareholders at heart.
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Any way you look at it, it's sad since it's the end of an era.


I've been using Minolta cameras since I bought my first SRT101 way back in the dark ages, so it's just one more thing I'll have to feel nostalgic about.


Since so many people seem to stop using film altogether, and sell off their film cameras, when they start using digital there will probably be working Minolta film cameras (and parts cameras) for some time to come.


In the digital field, it will be intersting to see what Sony comes up with in Minolta mount cameras.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bill Thorlin wrote:<br/>

<i>the source for the comments.</i><br/>

David Kilpatrick pasted that direct from the in press Minolta Photoworld. He has about the best connections of anyone who regularly posts to DPReview, as editor of that UK mag. What is missing is the why of the delay...

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Would indeed be interesting to know ... if Sony were willing to stand up and publically say they weren't going to say anything. Probably that same thread, asking David, would be the appropriate place. Sony seems to quite prefer the quiet approach though: apparently they gave Kiklop (dyxum.com) a lot of reassurance directly as well, a month or so ago. As i said <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00FXuU&tag=200603070903">before</a>

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