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Wide available for 7D!


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A lot of $:(

<a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?A=details&Q=&sku=363810&is=REG&addedTroughType=search">B&H</a>


<p/>Beginning to think wide angle is strictly a rich mans game. What do you all think of the Sigma 15-30f3.5-? Plus the <a href="http://search.ebay.com/peleng">Zenitar Peleng 8mmf3.5 (eBay)</a>. Or maybe a Zeni <a href="http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?satitle=zenitar+fisheye">16mmf2.8(eBay)</a> instead of the Sigma (for a couple hundred $ less...)


<p/>Just how useful is autofocus at such wide angles? Of course i want speed, that is the point. Would i be doomed to careful manual focusing all the time?

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Ah, sorry, Michael, as Bill said, I was referring to the Tamron 11-18mm lens. I also see that today, B&H DOES have the KM one in-stock (wasn't there yesterday when I searched). So, back to the original question, for those of you who were looking at this lens, any reason to pay $80 more for the KM other than cosmetics?
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Well, I see that one difference is the warranty. Tamron gives a 6 year warranty, whereas for the KM model, you pay $80 to get a shorter warranty -- 1 year.


Another, is the claimed minimum focus distance. 9.8" for the Tamron, 9.6" for the KM.


Also angle of view for the Tamron is (103-75 deg) and (104-76 deg) for the KM.


The KM has a claimed length of 3mm longer, and 1mm wider in diameter.


The KM version is also lighter by 15 grams.


All in all, though there are minor differences, it seems like splitting hairs to me.

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There's a point where barrel distortion is indistinguishable from fisheye, and from samples I've seen, the Minolta 18-70 DT at 18mm

crosses that line!


Harris, the Tamron weighs 15 grams more due to the painted gold ring,

which is very heavy (joke). The minimum focus is just a B&H mistake

converting metric to inches: both close focus down to 25 cm. Angle

of view is probably just a roundint error.


Personally I would not pay ~ $600 for a lens like this. I would just

use film if wide angle were required.

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I, for one, am in for the Tamron 11-18mm. I have been waiting months and I was overjoyed to see the lens finally arriving. I don't know if the KM lens has any attributes that make it better, I can't wait to find out when someone reviews them...I will just have to take a chance. Its only money (ouch!). :( B&H isn't the cheapest on the net I see, but I have to go with a place that ships to Canada and I can trust.


I have been waiting for wide for my 7D...it has to be at least a 24mm equivilant, the so called "architectural lens". I bought the Peleng 8mmm on eBay, it is a real work of art (read: lousy construction, fairly soft focus) but I actually have been having a whole lot of fun with it.


I wish I could just run down and pick up the Tamron at the camera store, but alas, I live in Canada.


Long live wide angle!!

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HA! Nice one, Bill! I figured it was rounding error since maybe different marketing people wrote up the specs for each co. I'd agree with you on going film if I were still doing film, but I've unloaded all my 35mm equipment a few years ago, and the 7D is my only camera body I won right now (and for the forseeable future). Cheers! :-)


Michael, I'm with you on this one with the Tamron. The writeups by people who have bought the 11-18mm for the Nikon and Canon seem to be pretty happy with it all 'round, so I can't imagine we'd lose out with this. $80 more for the KM and 1 yr warranty. No thanks!


(Sorry to hear about your Peleng. Glad you're having fun turning its "problems" into "art"!)

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There are differences between the Tamron and KM lenses. The KM lenses made by Tamron have the 'D' chip in them for use with the ADI function of the KM cameras. And I also believe that the KM versions have more curvature in the aperture blades to aid 'bokeh'. The Tamron lenses have seven blades and I'm not sure if the KM versions have 7 or 9 blades.
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<em> I bought the Peleng 8mmm on eBay, it is a real work of art (read: lousy construction, fairly soft focus) but I actually have been having a whole lot of fun with it.</em>

<p/>Ah, too bad! i would have hoped for more from a $200 2nd hand prime. At 1.5X crop is it fairly "rectilinear"? i suppose soft focus could be luck of the variable build quality. Hard to believe such a wide angle could have much issue with focus.

<br/>Sounds like FF may be becoming cheaper in the near future, perhaps not quite worth worrying about super wides.

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