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Dynax 60 or 5?


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I do not know much about the 60, but I used to have a 5 and regret selling it. The 5 is a great body. However, I do not believe they are making the 5 anymore, so whether you can find a new one or not is a consideration. They are reasonably available second hand in near new condition. KEH may have some. I did notice that they are selling second hand for more than they were new! Probably an indication of how popular they are.
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The 5 beats the 60 hands down - can't believe that they were designed by the same company. My wife has had a 5 for four years, and I envy her! Get one while you can. The kit lens (28-80) is a bit fragile though, but performs very well when stopped down to F8 or more.
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On this side of the pond, the Maxxum 70 = Dynax 60. I have had mine about 9 months and enjoyed it. I had the same questions as you and decided on the 70. I handled both in the store several times. I have long fingers and the 70 is much more comfortable. Ergonomically the 5 has a control layout I did not care for at all. The 70 is easier to figure out. Better design. The 70 (Dynax 60) also allows the use of an IR-3 remote. Very nice if you want to be in the picture and choose exactly when you want the shutter released. I don't know if the Maxxum 5 has this capability. I would not worry too much about 1/2000 or 1/4000 shutter speed. I have yet to use anything faster than 1/1000. And in all honesty the flash sync at 1/90 is fine. The pop flash on either camera is very limited. If you want to do fill flash outdoors in bright conditions you need a HHS sync flash anyway. I bought a 5400HS flash used for $60 a few weeks ago. Great investment. Build quality.. Its not a Maxxum 7 by any stretch. I have had not problems. I am careful with gear though. I doubt either camera under consideration is all that stout. The Maxxum 5 does have one distinct advantage the 70/60 does not- the BP-200 battery pack. Allow the use of AA batteries instead or CR2s. Your friend really can't go wrong with either choice really. Thats my 2 pence worth. ;@). --Brad
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