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Battery problem with XD-11 any suggestions?


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Well, I just got my second XD-11 in the mail today. The 2

mechanical speeds fire fine. Popped some new batteries in, and the

meter worked, the shutter fired at different speed settings on the

dial. Walked away from it for a few hours, came back, picked up the

camera, and nothing. Tried the mechanical settings again...still

work. No battery settings work.<BR><BR>

Took batteries out of my other XD-11, and put into new one. Meter

lights came on for about 3 seconds, but then went out. No battery

powered shutter works.<BR><BR>

Tried "new batteries" from the new XD-11 in the old XD-11.

Everything works just fine - basically, both batteries make the old

XD-11 fire perfect.<BR>

Any suggestions?<BR>


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The fact that you can swap batteries and get the "dead" ones to work in your old XD suggests to me it's a voltage threshold problem. The electronics in your "new" XD may have degraded and pushed up the circuit trigger voltage so that only new batteries will work. A trip to the repair shop is called for (unless you can return it to seller).
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Alright, I was afraid of that. Man, this is almost enough to make me go with a newer AF setup...at least I could get a brand new camera then!<BR>

I sure like the feel of these old beasts, but, well, I guess everything has it's time.<BR>


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Jed, don't be discouraged - there are a lot of superb XDs out there, but as always, when you buy a second-hand camera on ebay you really should factor in a full CLA cost. That's why buying from a current user such as a group member you know is likely to give you a better body, even if it costs a little more. These are 30 year old cameras, even if they look and feel like new.


My XDs have all been fully serviced after purchase, even if they appeared fine. I wanted the confidence that shutter timing was correct, exposure within specs etc. Personally, I think that cost is worth it to get a bodty you can be confident in for another 30 years.


Personally, I would contact the seller and see if a return is possible, or at least a contribution to the cost of the repair.





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Jed, as you know XD is one of the most brilliant camera in Minolte MF lineup.


maybe it has problem with capacitor, and you should replace it at repair shop. it may cost around 30usd[in here. may vary]. you'd better contact seller to sole problems.

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