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Leica prices

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thst's the magic of marketing. People much wiser than all of us together in this forum decide that it is best for europeans to pay 30% more than peole im the us. I never checked hong kong, but would not be surprised to see the price drop not only on leicas. Srange, but it applies to virtually any product i've ever dealt with. In the internet age, however, everyone can find out that the stuff he's interested in increases (or decreases) surprisingly in value when crossing a border.. and i hope that the days of price regulations are going soon.
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Most of that is what the distributor in that country thinks that its cost of business is. In the US Leica provides a Passport Warranty that covers virtually any damage.


Question for those in Europe; is the 3000EURO including VAT? Or are there other taxes that would be bundled in to that price?


Happy snaps



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Leica prices even different inside the European Union : German prices are lower than the official French ones on most Leica Products.

As far as the M7 is concerned, the 3000 Euros price is including VAT. This price seems quite the same in several European Countries.


US seem much cheaper. However, if you decide to buy such a product in the US and have it sent to France (I looked at this issue) you'll have to pay French VAT + customs tax, which altogether reach about 24% !

From that point of view Europen (at least French) prices are close to the US ones... unfortunately !





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The elves in the States work for cheaper than in Germany, and more so do the ones in Hong Kong -- hence the price differences. Fooling aside, it has to do with grey-market issues and possibly MAP (minimum advertised prices) set for each region/country.
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Since some one brought up MAP pricing I would love to hear what the people in the US think that a US dealer makes percentage wise on the sale of lenses and bodies. Try to be serious. I hope that "too much" and such can wait.


Happy snaps...



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A few quick calculations shows US $2500.-- equals about 2750.00 Euros, add the VAT makes up the difference. Hong Kong is cheaper, I THINK, because there is no import duty. Also, somewhat talked about the US MAP Pricing. The dealers don't make as much on new cameras and lenses, as many people think.

Happy Snaps,

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Actually $2,500 = 2,290 euros. Currently 1 euro = 1.09 USD. US prices have allways been more or less interesting, depending of the forex rate of the DM and now the euro. US prices are allways without tax and European prices almost allways include taxes. It is currently interesting for a European to buy in the US.
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Although international currencies have a contribution to Leica prices, the answer is much simpler than that and applies to any product. The quantity. If a distrubutor in a populus wealthy country has successful resellers, then that wholesaler is in a better position to negotiate (where now the buyer not the seller is in control). I have a reseller here that is overstocked, and I have just saved myself US$1200 and I am a complete newbie. If you are looking for deals, discover the local truth and do not bother about the rest of the world.
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