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Admin: For Sale / Want to Buy posts: What is your opinion?

cd thacker

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It is unrealistic to expect that there is 100% total agreement on any issue. So far, my feeling is that this is a moot point anyway as not many people are posting FS/WTB messages here. However, it looks like a slight majority seems to favor these messages. From the beginning, Doug has a FS/WTB category for threads in this forum. Therefore, these message are clearly appropriate for the start, until Doug changes his mind (or being convinced by someone else) and removes that category.
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I've been looking for some used glass lately. Unfortunately, the photo.net classifieds are really, REALLY painful to search. The limited number of responses and very poor matching make me *sure* that I'm missing existing items. I can change my search terms, and items that I saw in a previous search (and should still show up in the new search) no longer appear.


I don't know if this means that the classifieds need to improve or FS needs to be in the Nikon forum. I heartily support the first (can we get more than 30 matches?) and lean towards supporting the second. I would guess that the noise can be judged by the forum readers after it has had some time to settle. I don't feel tremendously strong on that though. I just want a better way to find what I need.

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Once again, I appreciate everyone's input on this question. After reading the various thoughtful comments - and after consulting the various threads on this topic in the Leica forum, and seeing how Tony (the moderator there) has handled it - I've reached the conclusion, for now, that having sale/trade/buy posts here serves several good purposes and does no harm. Additionally - and this is, of course, crucial - most of you seem to be in favor of the idea, or at least willing to give it a go.<P>


It's true that the number of such posts here is minimal. This could be due in part to the issue having been left unresolved. If, now that a conclusion has been reached, the volume of such posts increases drastically, we may have to revisit the issue. In the meanwhile, here are some guidelines for posting such threads:<P>


☺ Threads should be clearly marked FS, WTB, or WTT (or, with the words spelled out, "for sale", "want to buy", "want to trade".<P>


☺ Links or references to auction sites are not permitted. <P>


☺ Links or references to your ad in the photo.net classifieds, on the other hand, are encouraged.<P>


☺ FS/WTB/WTT threads will not expire early, but will remain current for the same length of time (currently one week) as other threads.<P>


If we find we are being inundated with such ads, especially from people who are not regular contributers, then we may restrict them to one day per week, or eliminate them altogether. Ads that don't comply with the above requirements will be deleted.

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Frankly, I was a bit surprised by the recent WTB thread about ballheads. Since this is the Nikon Forum, I was assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that all FS/WTB threads should only be about Nikon products. Obviously all Nikon 35mm equipments such as film/digital bodies, Nikkor lenses, large-format Nikkor lenses, Coolscan scanners ... are appropriate.


However, since Arca Swiss and Kirk ballheads are non-Nikon products, should they be allowed in the FS/WTB threads here? How about 3rd-party lenses with the Nikon F mount or just some 3rd-party lens of any mount? If these answers are yes, then this forum essentially accepts all photo equipment FS/WTB threads.


Just to use a more extreme example, I can use a 4WD Jeep to explore the American West for landscape photography, so are FS threads for Jeeps also appropriate? If the answer to this is also yes, then just about anything FS is appropriate here?


Clearly there should be some boundary on what can be FS/WTB here. I think it should be somewhere between (1) all Nikon photo products and (2) all photo products. What do you think?

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I personally think that you don't always have to take away the initiative from users. It isn't beyond the realms of possibility that people can use their own judgement and good sense in deciding what is appropriate, without a multitude of rules and regulations being thrown upon them. Also, how is a new user going to have any chance of hearing/knowing about this "FS/WTB" bible of rules.

We all use tripods and ballheads and the likes with our Nikon gear, so how far off base is that, really?

I just think that you're "barking up a tree that doesn't need to be barked up", if you'll pardon the expression..:-)

I think you'll find that the average person will understand that this isn't the place to advertise their Jeep....


Best, Duncan

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First of all, since we are exploring some new ground, I don't think it is a bad idea to discuss it.


Since there are many different forums under photo.net, I am in favor of having stricter boundaries from one forum to another. Therefore, threads in the Nikon Forum should primarily focus on Nikon equipment and so do FS/WTB threads in this forum. In other words, ballhead WTB threads should probably be off limit here. And needless to say, Jeep FS threads should definitely be off limit or we would become an "anything FS/WTB" forum for Nikon users. But that is merely my point of view. As discussed earlier, plenty of people feel that there shouldn't be any FS threads here, period.


As Doug pointed our before, it takes a while for a forum to develop its character, and it is a group effort. That is precisely why we are discussing and debating these issues.

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