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noise reduction


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<p>Page 292 of the D5 manual explains long exposure noise reduction and High ISO noise reduction.<br>

<br />I am guessing that this applies to the in camera JPEG file and does NOT affect the RAW file.<br>

Am I correct in thinking that these noise reductions have no effect on the RAW file and I have nothing to gain if I shoot in RAW?</p>

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<p>I pretty sure long exposure reduction is using a black frame technique, which means that it affects the raw file.</p>

<p>High ISO noise reduction on the other hand is probably just software manipulation of the jpeg file.</p>

<p>I say probably because sometimes camera manufacturers provide us with a "half-cooked" raw file. Nikon for instance, does some truncating of the lowest signals in the raw file. Makes the noise closest to black less visible. So you never know for sure if it affects the raw file or not. </p>

<p>I suggest trying to shoot with it and without it and then processing the raw files. If you can't see any difference then for all practical purposes the raw file is unaffected.</p>

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