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Rolleicord VA 16 exposure kit


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<p>I may have the opportunity to purchase a Rolleicord VA that's recently had a service. I'm keen, but the seller says that it's got the optional 16-exposure kit fitted. I would like to return it to 6x6 format, but aside from removing the masks I believe the counter wheel has to be changed too. At this point it's unknown whether the original 12-exp counter wheel is available with this camera. I don't know much about the 16-exp kit, but I'm guessing that it's the counter wheel that determines the frame spacing as well as the actual counting? (That is, if I left the 16-exp counter wheel fitted but removed the rest of the kit would I just get overlapping frames?).</p>



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<p>Yes, you do need the 12 exposure counter to prime the mechanism to give 12 pictures on a roll. Perhaps it's in the leather wallet the 16-on kit comes in, if that hasn't gone missing? The wheels just swap by unscrewing a thimbscrew in the middle, however if I remember correctly, you have to have the back open to do it.</p>
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<p>Thanks to all for the replies and advice. I passed on it in the end. It's a shame because local ones that have been serviced and have a bright-screen fitted are far and few between. This one was selling for a premium though so I'd rather just hold out for one that's exactly how I want it. Until then I'll "make do" with my lovely (if dim) Triotar-fitted Rolleicord III.</p>
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