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Can you tell me where to go for Mid-South winter photos?


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I don't know the distance from your location, but I can recommend the Blue Ridge Parkway in the region of Boone and Blowing Rock, NC (if the Parkway isn't closed due to hazardous road conditions). There are many short hiking trails that are often marked along the Parkway, with parking areas. Some of these trails lead to or follow mountain streams and small waterfalls that can offer beautiful (blue and greenish tinted) ice formations. I was able to capture some very colorful ice shots in this area using Velvia on a sunny day.
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Reelfoot Lake, about 2 hours north of Memphis, is more known for it's eagles in winter, but can also provide some interesting landscapes. An Internet search on Reelfoot should turn up the state park link. You might try contacting the <a href="http://wildlifephoto.net/mop/">Mississippi Outdoor Photographers</a href> for suggestions about the Delta (they're based in Jackson, MS). Most of the interesting scenery in Arkansas is probably west of Little Rock, but is probably worth investigating. As you've probably figured out, the landscapes around Memphis tend towards the sublime.
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I second the recommendation for Gulf Coast. My experience has been farther east (St. George Island in NW Florida) around Christmas. Very beautiful morning and evening light on white dunes w/ sea oats, etc. I'm sure AL and MI have similar spots.


The last I heard the Parkway was shut up tight due to all the precip we've had in Western NC lately. It's warmed up a bit, but I saw the Parkway from a trail in the Asheville (NC) area two days ago and it was still white (they don't plow). An alternative would be the Great Smokies, but Hwy 441 occasionally closes also.

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Be very cautious and patient if you're trying for the Blue Ridge Parkway in winter. I tried driving it last March from Blacksburg VA to Linville Gorge NC, and spent more time detouring off the Parkway than driving on it. At any rate, that's pretty far from Memphis.<P>Fall Creek Falls is on TN 30 between Dayton and McMinnville; plenty of icicle-clad waterfalls hots left here, I'm sure. The Little River Canyon in AL also has several falls to offer. So does Cloudland Canyon, which is in the extreme NW corner of GA. Finally, the mountains in the SE corner of TN have a lot to offer, especially around Ducktown and Tellico Plains. From Tellico Plains, the Cherohala Skyway (TN 166/NC 143) is also a wonderful drive, but the same warnings apply to it as the BRP above.<P>Good luck, and happy shooting!
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