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how is a fuji GA645W


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<p>Yes, that's a very good price. I have the GA645 (not the W), so I'm not as wide but a little faster. The Fuji EBC lenses are awesome, very sharp.<br>

The only thing I don't like is that I seem to need to use 2 hands to turn it on (press a button and turn a dial). Some also say it's too loud, but while it isn't silent, it won't wake the dead. I think my RB67 and M645 are louder. </p>

<p>Keep in mind that there are no longer parts available for these, so that could be an issue down the road. I picked up a dead parts donor camera for $50 if I ever need parts. But at $200, you really can't go wrong as long as it works. Oh, and they seem to underexpose by 1/2 to 1 stop, so I just set my ISO about 2/3 slower then the film actually is, and I get fine results.</p>

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<p>At C$200 I would grab it pronto. Good ones go for up to $400-$450 in the better used camera shops. The GA645 is one tough cookie. Some will warn you can't get parts for them if repairs are needed, but of the three I have owned (and still own two, including a GA645wi), only one developed problems I considered serious, but continued to (and still does) function on the M (manual) setting, like a big meterless Leica M.</p>

<p>I paid heaps more than two bills for my GA645wi, which takes 16 exposures (the early GAs take 15 tho I believe Fuji revamped the original model to shoot 16 and called it the series 2 or some such thing, will someone please correct me if I am wrong on this?). as I'm sure you already know, they take 15 or 16 6x4.5 cm exposures on a roll of 120 film, or double that on 220 film, if you can still find some of the latter. </p>

<p>I do a lot of stock architectural photography in Southeast Asia, digitally for color and with my GA645wi for B&W. The Fujinon 45mm lens is rock sharp and will take Nikon 52mm diameter filters. An old Nikon F polariser lives on my wi and suffices for any effect I want (clouds, lighter tones on plaster, no glare on water ponds, eetcetera). Also a small China made spirit level in the flash/ accessory shoe, a must this if you want correct horizontals and verticals in your building shots. I have a few other Nikon 52mm B&W filters and an L31c. Nothing else needed. Only film. True blue minimalism, this</p>

<p>To shoot horizontal images you will have to hold the camera vertically. Some find this a turn-off. It took me a few months to get used to and feel relaxed about this quirk, but I'm fine now. </p>

<p>For a long time I thought if I was ever restricted to only one camera in life, it would be a Rolleiflex (I still have one, and it's a damn fine machine). The GA645wi is also worthy of such consideration. </p>

<p>I hope you bought this Fuji. Gosh, if you don't like it, resell it on Ebay, or better yet, on this site!</p>


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