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Equipment Needed For Umbrella?


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<p>Hi, I was wondering do I have all the equipment needed to have a basic off camera flash set up? I'm on a budget and what to get the costs down packed so I'm prepared. It is $300 max<br>

As of right now, I have in mind<br />60" white shoot through Umbrella.<br />40" silver or white reflector <br />Cable shutter release <br />Pc sync cord<br />two light stands<br />6ft tripod<br>

As for the umbrella, what items do I need to mount the umbrella to the light stand, and then mount the flash behind the umbrella.</p>

<p>I'm guessing a boom shaft, and umbrella mount is all I need correct?<br>

If I'm missing anything, let me know!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>The umbrella mount show in Wayne's link is all you need to connect the umbrella, stand and speedlight together. No need for a boom. Here is a link to a page from <a href="http://www.strobist.com">www.strobist.com</a> that explains everything.<br /><br /><a href="http://strobist.blogspot.com/2006/03/lighting-101-traveling-light.html">http://strobist.blogspot.com/2006/03/lighting-101-traveling-light.html</a> <br /><br />No need for the cable release and the tripod, while always nice to have, isn't needed either. Do you plan to use the reflector in lieu of a second light? otherwise you don't need it or the second lightstand. If you do get it, the reflector can he hand held by an assistant, propped up sometimes, or attached to the second light stand. There are boom-like reflector holders for that.</p>
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<p><em>I don't see any use for a boom with an umbrella?</em><br>

A umbrella has basically the same function as a soft box and you would use a boom arm for the same purpose, for example to place a light directly above the subject in the studio for food or other still life photography. A stand for use with a boom arm needs to be considerably heavier than one where the light simply sits on the top, and a counterweight is a very good idea.</p>

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