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Affinity Software in-depth thoughts?

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<p>Has anyone done much work with Affinity? If so what are your in-depth thoughts on the software? Is it a novelty where for troubled images one is going to want to jump back to photoshop or is it every bit as powerful and then some?</p>

<p>I've watched a lot of the videos and it seems cool. I like the fact that it's through the App store for simplicity of updates and at this point not a subscription based software. What I'm wondering about is if it's Raw converter is as strong as ACR? I've been using Adobe since 2.5 and know it ok including some of the major keyboard shortcuts. What are the negative issues you've run into using the software? Does it have problems reading layered files saved in photoshop, PSD layered files? If I save a file with a lot of adjustment layers as a tiff will I always need this software to open and work on the file?</p>

<p>Any insights and thoughts are very appreciated</p>

<p>thanks, </p>


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<p>It looks cheap enough to just try, more or less. My personal opinion is Photoshop has a bunch of features that are pretty much useless for straight photography. A more focused program can be nice for some people. Personally I use an old version of Picture Window Pro on PC because I found I didn't really need layers, just masks, and it was cheap enough to give me the features I actually used without resorting to software piracy. If you're a longtime PS user something else will probably annoy you no end.</p>
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<p>I looked into Affinity Software a couple of months ago. I use Photoshop CS5, and would like to avoid going to subscription based software as long as possible. My main problem with trying Affinity Software is that it does not presently appear to support using my Nik and Topaz plug-ins, which I have grown to rely on for many situations. Since Affinity Software is a work in progress, I will keep an eye on it with the hope that it will eventually allow the use of external plug-ins.</p>


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