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600ex-rt no E-TTL function with off-camera flash cable?


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Im new in the Canon stables having recently changed systems from Pentax so still getting my head around some of the differences and need some help.<br>

I bought an off-camera hotshoe flash cable to be able to use my new 600EX RT with my Orbis ring light ( <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/627715-REG/Orbis_ENLORB1A_Orbis_Ring_Flash_Diffusing.html" target="_blank">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/627715-REG/Orbis_ENLORB1A_Orbis_Ring_Flash_Diffusing.html</a> ) - the Orbis fitting around the lens, so the flash needs to be off camera...</p>

<p ><img src="http://4.static.img-dpreview.com/files/w/TS560x560?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.georges.com.au%2Fmedia%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Fo%2Fr%2Forbis-ring-flash-01.jpg&signature=SeNl7Dgb7lyXu0yOaiMswq3RD4g%3D" alt="" width="373" height="560" data-dpr-src-type="w" data-dpr-url="http://www.georges.com.au/media/catalog/product/o/r/orbis-ring-flash-01.jpg" data-dpr-orientation="1" data-dpr-original-height="768" data-dpr-original-width="512" data-dpr-exif="{"make":"Canon","model":"Canon EOS 5D","date":"Tue, 04 Nov 2008 08:56:54 GMT","shutterSpeedNumerator":1,"shutterSpeedDenominator":200,"aperture":20,"ISO":250,"exposureCompensation":0,"focalLength":120}" data-dpr-large-image-url="http://2.static.img-dpreview.com/files/w/TS940x940?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.georges.com.au%2Fmedia%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Fo%2Fr%2Forbis-ring-flash-01.jpg&signature=IVK3mdHwNYWZis%2F5heRZAzfDJKk%3D" data-dpr-xlarge-image-url="http://1.static.img-dpreview.com/files/w/TS1600x1600?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.georges.com.au%2Fmedia%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Fo%2Fr%2Forbis-ring-flash-01.jpg&signature=dWoFZE8eZK%2FEI9Wmtsq0kls81GE%3D" data-dpr-full-image-url="http://2.static.img-dpreview.com/files/w/E?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.georges.com.au%2Fmedia%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Fo%2Fr%2Forbis-ring-flash-01.jpg&signature=O1EiW9VknX87XCCEDdU8CWgLj44%3D" data-dpr-clickthrough-url="http://www.georges.com.au/media/catalog/product/o/r/orbis-ring-flash-01.jpg" data-dpr-small-image-width="373" data-dpr-small-image-height="560" data-dpr-large-image-width="512" data-dpr-large-image-height="768" data-dpr-xlarge-image-width="512" data-dpr-xlarge-image-height="768" data-dpr-full-image-width="512" data-dpr-full-image-height="768" /><br>

So there doesnt seem to be any E-TTL function, and I'm wondering if its just the cable, or is it something to do with the flash being in the vertical position when inside the orbis.<br>

It doesnt seem to register the focal length of the lens either (with primes or zooms), ie the zoom head doesnt change even when the flash isnt in 'vertical' mode (as I know it doesnt when fitted on camera).<br>

It flashes, but I suspect only at full power. The E-TTL does seem to work when its fitted to the camera.<br>

When I used this set up with my Pentax and Pentax flash, the P-TTL functions worked absolutely fine. Similar kind of cable, third party, but for Pentax hotshoe/flash. And yeah I can deal with it manually, but its a real drag with both hands full, changing positions of shots regularly etc, hence E-TTL being needed in this scenario.<br>

This one is the Viltrox OC-E3 that was supposed to have E-TTL compatibility. Admittedly only $15 instead of $90 for the Canon one, but then so was the one I had for Pentax which worked fine. Seems built well enough too. <a href="http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/301318113239?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT">Viltrox on ebay</a><br>

Wondering if anyone has much experience with using Off-Camera cables and E-TTL? I dont want to order another one and find out its something I'm doing wrong/ not understanding with my Canon gear!<br>

Try another cable? I gather Vello is a US third party manufacturer and might be more reliable, but our Australian dollar is poor at the moment and so going to B&H + postage adds up quickly.<br /><a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/749770-REG/Vello_OCS_C3_TTL_Off_Camera_Flash_Cord_for.html">Vello?</a><br>

Thanks in advance!</p>




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<p>I haven't done any wired off-camera flash, but perhaps I can offer at least a few hints that might point in the right direction.</p>


<p>Is the flash actually supposed to auto-zoom when it's off camera? Auto-zoom makes sense when it's in the hotshoe, as the location and direction of the flash are known, but when the flash is off-camera, the body has no idea where the flash is relative to either the camera or the subject, so it doesn't make sense to set a zoom position to match the lens. Certainly, for wireless flash, the manual for my old 420EX says the flash goes to its widest setting, and while I don't have my 580EX II manual handy, I believe it does, too, for exactly this reason. Likewise, if the flash head is tilted, auto-zoom doesn't make sense, and it should default to a fixed position.</p>


<p>What makes you suspect it's flashing only at full power? Keep in mind that a fair bit of light will be lost (or scattered outside the frame) by your flash accessory, so the flash will have to use a higher output than it would otherwise.</p>


<p>If your camera body is new enough to allow you to use the camera's menu system to access the flash unit's settings, see if that works. That should confirm whether there's good communication between the body and the flash.</p>


<p>Hopefully at least some of that will help solve the mystery.</p>

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<p>Yeah I tested without the Orbis, doesnt seem to make any difference. The Orbis might lose a lot of light but Im also using it mostly with primes so dont actually need tons of power to get a good exposure.<br>

And Steve - no I dont believe it will zoom when off camera. The reason I think its doing it at full power is just though how massively overexposed the images are - would suggest there is no E-TTL communication occurring.<br>

I'll have another look at the communications between body and flash via the body with the cord - good idea.</p>

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<p>Just tried to change the flash settings from the camera while connected via the cable and got the message "The menu cannot be displayed. Incompatible flash or flash's power is turned off" - yet flash was on and firing when the shutter was pressed.<br>

I guess its probably the brand-new cable - but I want to make sure that it wont do the same thing if through the Canon cable!</p>

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