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Capture One assist needed please

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<p>So I downloaded a 30 day trail of Capture One. I got it up and running but when I go to the import option and got the folder where my Sony .arw files are it doesn't show anything. There is nothing there to select. Then I went around to all my folders and I could not get Capture One to recognize any photo files at all.</p>

<p>I'm sure its me, and I have overlooked something basic. Can anyone point out <em>exactly</em> which stupid hat I am wearing today?</p>

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<p>I assume you downloaded the normal, generic trial? There is a Sony specific version, that works only with <a href="https://www.phaseone.com/en/Imaging-Software/Capture-One-for-Sony/Supported-Sony-cameras.aspx">Sony files</a>. The normal version supports <a href="https://www.phaseone.com/en/Imaging-Software/Capture-One/Supported-cameras.aspx">more</a>. <br />Assuming your camera is on that list, did you try to tick the option to scan the subfolders as well? By default, the importer will only literally show files in the folder, not subfolders. I'm not on my system with C1 at the moment, but it should be an option on the import dialog where you can also select the folder to import from.<br /> Have you tried (just to be sure) a folder with JPEG files? These should always work, so that could possibly help narrow down whether the issue is C1 reading from your HDD, or really down to specific camera models.</p>
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<p>Wouter, thank you for the response. I think it might have been the subfolder issue as you said. I clicked that and at first it was still not showing them but then somehow it was. And yes, I was given an option the first time I opened it and I choose one of the two Sony options.</p>

<p>Anyway, I'm in there now giving it a spin. I really appreciate the help.</p>

<p>p.s.- Does Capture One have a dehaze option? I cant seem to find it.</p>

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<p>There is no dehaze option, but from what I've seen (but I do not use LR, I only saw it in "PS Express" on my smartphone), the clarity tool (if very hazed combined with levels and/or curves) can achieve a very similar effect. The clarity tool has 4 options, it's a bit of trial and error what works best for a given photo.</p>
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