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Mary Ellen Marks Nikon FM2 for sale

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<p>Being a pompous horse's butt, my initial impression was to <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talisman"> scoff at this sale</a>, but I guess it's no different from sports fans paying hundreds for a 'game-worn' jersey. And it's for a good cause.</p>

<p>I'd rather have one of her prints than one of her cameras, but I guess that's stating the obvious.</p>

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My brush with greatness... I sometimes do translation work for an online photo magazine. They did an

interview with here a few years back and I was assigned to follow-up to get some samples to accompany

the on-line video. So I traded a few emails with her! I was not especially successful! But hey I could sense

her heart was great. I think this a great idea and I hope somebody gladly makes a generous offer for a good


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<p>I am wondering why the estate did not just donate the camera to the Red Cross for them to auction. It just seems to me that they are 'milking' the situation and sweetening it with a 50% donation. It feels decidedly ungenerous on the part of the estate - <em>even disingenuous</em> - since the camera has litle real worth and the "donation" will be actually made by the <em>buyer,</em> although the estate (and Mary Ellen Mark's reputation) will probably get the headline credit for it . . . </p>
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<p>Well, in their defense, I did the same thing after the Indian Ocean tsunami eleven years ago. I had a really good Thorens belt-drive turntable from about 1979, unused for years, so I hung it up on the hated auction site. I specified the proceeds (grossed up by my marginal tax rate) would go to the Red Cross, which I think drove the bids up higher. </p>

<p>There's no way the Red Cross would have wanted to sell that piece of hardware, but I bet they were happy to get the money, and I was happy to get rid of it. Actually, wasn't a bad idea, and I should do it again sometime to trim the photo equipment junkpile.</p>

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