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Very cheap 1080w daylight system question


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A shop on ebay is offering this insanely cheap system with lights, softboxes, bulbs, stands...

its a no name brand.. so I'm wondering if anyone has experience with such no name system.


i work mostly with film and polaroids and my old cameras dont have sync, so this continuous light system 5500k might be great..

i love the use of softboxes..


but then again, is so cheap that im having mix feelings.










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<p>It's priced appropriately. Are you outside of the U.S.? The link is in German.<br>

<a href="https://www.fovitec.com/collections/softbox-light-kits/products/studiopro-fluorescent-4-socket-head-ac-power-light-kit-with-16x24-softbox-1300-watt-output">THIS is quite similar, but higher wattage. I like Fovitec. They have excellent customer service.</a><br>

Check out the whole site, you'll probably find something better for the money.</p>

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<p>If you shoot color film, I would avoid cheap CFL lighting. The color rendering of the cheap bulbs is usually pretty bad, and the light output of these kits usually isn't all that great either so you're still asking portrait subjects to be still, or having to use very slow shutter speeds to get enough depth of field.</p>
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<p>I think this is a very clear-cut case of you get what you pay for. This is two light heads with bulbs, two stands, two soft boxes. In any legitimate lighting outfit, any single one of those pieces could cost as much or more than the total price shown here. The bulbs alone could be twice the price of the entire outfit.</p>
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mostly im excited about the head and the softbox, and to be able to have 5500k continues light inside a softbox.

i have stands at home, and i could eventually buy better light bulbs later


or could this be another 100$ spent i could have invested in something else.

(im based in germany)


as far as i aslo checked, it could be a hassle to return this and get the money back

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<p>I'm not familiar with this specific brand, but I have seen cheap stuff like this before, where the reflector doesn't throw an even beam of light ( or dents easily) and soft boxes that fall apart quickly. I'd save up for a while and get something better.</p>
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<p>If you want continuous lighting and don't have much money to spend, look at a used Lowel Omni or Totalite. These are hot lights, but they are professional equipment, far brighter than CFL and have consistent light output without the color issues of CFL. You can put together a light, stand and umbrella for maybe $100 if you buy used. If you already have stands you can definitely come in at $100 or less. They are OK to buy used because they are rock solid and not many moving parts to go bad.</p>
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