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Mirrorless Monday_October 12th, 2015


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<p>Sanford, <em>Protestor </em>is very well done.</p>

<p>Gah, I have shot <em>so much </em>this week. From a camera swap meet last Sunday, to a walk around downtown, to an outing yesterday with family and friends. I am still shooting almost exclusively with my FL 55/1.2 to learn the ins and outs of this lens. It is turning out to be very rewarding. It is a huge, heavy piece of glass. Over 1 pound of metal and optics. But I find it handles very well on the a7 with the battery grip attached, which is always on my camera anyway.</p>

<p>So here are a few more examples from my lens learning process. I have so many to choose from I hope you will forgive me if I post 4 this week instead of 3. Selecting these was a chore as it is. Enjoy. (This first by the way is a straight out of camera jpeg.)</p>

<p><img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/748/21898392990_2c7d1d3a60_c.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>David, love shots 1 & 2; Adrian nice capture of window reflections! Like David, I have also been shooting quite a lot. Our yard is delightfully overgrown so I'm making the most of the endless variety of Dandelions in various stages before they get mowed away.</p><div>00dX45-558798384.jpg.27f32ac56f5991cd1611be42f2cbe7ce.jpg</div>
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