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Canon 70-300 lens won't focus


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<p>Which version of the 70-300 is it?</p>

<p>I would guess that you've got a loose flex connector internally that is making contact when zoomed out entirely, but loosing contact when you extend the barrel. Without more knowledge about the specific model, and a specific description of the problem that's no more than a guess...</p>

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<p><em>"My Canon 70-300 lens will focus on the 70 but as the length increases the lens looks foggy and won't focus. Is my lens bad?"</em><br>

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Assuming your description of the problem is accurate, I can think of nothing that would lead me to any conclusion other than yes, the lens is bad. It's impossible to say what's wring with it from the information given, but quite obviously something has happened to it and whatever it is you are unlikely to be able to fix it yourself. These things happen. One day a lens is fine, the next something goes wrong inside. The only cure is a trip to the lens doctor. Canon will provide an estimate before doing the repair, but you have to send the lens to them first. I'd guess the cost is likely to be in the $100-$200 range.<br>

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