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Recommendations, please: how-to resources for Web photo best practices...

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<p>I want to start a simple but professional-looking online gallery in WordPress for my photography. I may be using the Avada theme.<br /><br />I have moderate experience with Photoshop (PSE 12) and quite a bit of experience as a webmaster.<br /><br />I've searched online a fair amount but I'm coming up short on relevant results.<br /><br />Could you please recommend online resources or tutorials that will inform me of the following:<br /><br />1) I would like to know how to achieve the best practical image quality for publishing photos on the Web<br /><br />2) How to choose an appropriate gallery plugin for WordPress<br /><br />3) How to get the best practical digital images of black & white and color prints that are too large for my scanner<br /><br />Thank you!</p>
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<p>I can help a little with your #1. First, the smaller the image files, the faster they will load. JPEG quality can be much lower than you might guess. See this:</p>


<p>Second, the color qualities of the displays on which your photos will be viewed will be highly variable, so the best you can do is use an sRGB color space and get it right on your own color-managed display. If you Google "display calibration" or "color managed workflow" I'm sure you'll get many useful results.</p>

<p>Third, I'm assuming you have a strong reason for building your own site. There are many commercial services that do a lot for you already, including providing a store where you can sell prints. I use SmugMug, but there are several other excellent choices.</p>

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<p> I would like to know how to achieve the best practical image quality for publishing photos on the Web</p>


<p> <br>

Take great images and process them carefully in whatever software you are using. Don't worry about image size, unless you post at full size, they will load quickly on a WordPress site. If PSE has "Save for Web," that should do it for you.</p>


<p> <br>

How to choose an appropriate gallery plugin for WordPress</p>


<p> <br>

This depends on how you want the gallery to look. There are plenty of choices and sample galleries, just spend some time looking through them. I started out looking at WordPress, which I know fairly well due to an online magazine I run, but ended up using Tumblr for my web site because I didn't want any complexity.<br>



<p>How to get the best practical digital images of black & white and color prints that are too large for my scanner</p>


<p> <br>

Put them on a wall and photograph them with a tripod. Or put them on the floor if you have an arm for your tripod. Light them carefully to avoid hot spots and reflections. Alternatively, you can scan in sections and stitch them together. I know PS can do this, I did it years ago, not sure about PSE.</p>

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