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Mirrorless Monday_October 19th, 2015


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<p>Thank you for the comments. What super images everyone!</p>

<p>Mukul-Lovely portrait! It looks like you got the flash situation under control<br>

Sanford-great colors in your second composition. And what is that stuff in the last shot?<br>

David-Nice as usual. If you are a wide Openaholic I guess I'm a Stop Downaholic, Ha!<br>

Anthea-Shot #2 is so delicate and lovely<br>

Andy-what a pretty path. Looks like the A6000 agrees with you. What do you think of it?<br>

Sadanand- That routunda shot has wonderful depth<br>

Steve-That music group looks like my friends and me on a weekend night.<br>

Gil-Nice street shot<br>

Grey-The yellow hibiscus has such rich color!<br>

Kim-looks like all the kings horseman and all the king's men had their work cut out for them :o)</p>

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<p>Thanks <strong>Louis</strong>. I really like the a6000. It has been a bit difficult adapting to a completely new user interface but I'm becoming much more accustomed to it. There are so many features built into the camera that it's easy to get caught up in all of them and not connect with the camera at all, leaving it feeling a bit like a very capable but lifeless tool. I have really been working on paying more attention to what I want to create with the camera and learning which features I'll commonly use to create what I envision. That makes the features a lot more meaningful and the whole photographic process a lot more fluid. That sounds like common sense but for a gearhead like me it takes a lot of discipline to not focus so much on the gear itself. Besides, my significant-other's eyes wax over with a look of supreme boredom whenever I begin to talk to her about the camera, which has also helped me to work on actually using the camera rather than fawn over it. But I do like it a lot. It really is an amazingly capable camera, <em>much</em> more so than the EOS M and M2 I was using before. It seriously gives my 7D a good run for its money as well!</p>
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