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Back for Zeiss Ikon Contarex body


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<p>Hello folks,<br>

I'm looking for a regular back (i.e. not the interchangeable type) for a Zeiss Ikon Contarex (Bullseye/Cyclops) body.<br>

I have an interchangeable back (the one with the film cassette and dark slide), but it is a pain to load, and having put my first roll through, I inserted in the dark slide prior to removing the back, and (since I hadn't fed the film under the little metal guides - thank you, poor manual!) promptly sliced the film which was still in the take-up cassette.<br>

So I had to manhandle the film out of the take-up cassette in my (almost dark) bathroom and put it in a light-tight container pending transport to the lab. Frustrating, and I've probably lost at least a few frames of my test roll! I'd much prefer a simple back without the cassette attachments (I've seen it mentioned on the web, but can't find it on eBay, of all places).<br>

If anyone has such a back (I have a take-up spool from a Contaflex that works fine), I'd be very grateful! <br>

Many thanks!<br>


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<p>Hope you can find one, as I know they are a pain. I have one for my Contaflex and they are not worth the trouble, couldn't even sell it!<br>

Probably your only chance is to find a dead Contarex body somewhere that hasn't got too high a price on it...good luck.<br>

Oh, I took mine out this morning and will develop the film today.</p>

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<p>Thank you, Tony - although the manual describes a regular back for these cameras, no one seems to want to give them up. The interchangeable one is everywhere - looks like everyone who has a regular back is holding on to them!<br>

Look forward to seeing your images :)</p>

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<p>OK: I don't own a Contarex (yet). But I have a lot of Contaflexes and three of the magazine backs for those. Apart from being a bit shorter left to right than the Contarex equivalent they operate in precisely the same way. Zeiss Ikon even issued the same instruction sheet for both types of cameras, they work the same way in every respect. I've run dozens of rolls of films through my magazine backs with virtually no problems. The one thing that caused a hiccup was when the spring on the take up clutch fork broke on one camera (the drive to the magazine began to slip a little). Replaced it with one from a spare body--no more problems.</p>

<p>I have no special superpowers. If I can use my backs so much without drama--so can you. I suggest you try again, at least, until you procure a conventional back. Ask Peter Loy to keep an eye out for one for you.</p>

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