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Can't Convert files to DNG in PS Photo Downloader, Plus Another Problem

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<p>I have CS 6 Adobe Camera Raw installed in a Macbook Pro 13" which has 2.9 GHz, 16 GB RAM, and Intel Iris 6100 1536 MB Graphics Card. I have a dual monitor set-up, and the primary monitor is an NEC PA272W 27". All of the equipment is less than three months old. Amongst other smaller, most likely related ones, I have two main problems. The first, which I've had for about a week now, is that when viewed on the NEC through Adobe Bridge, all of the photo thumbnails appear desaturated and flat, and yet when opened in ACR they appear "normal", meaning more vibrant and accurate regarding color and contrast. This is the case whether it is a RAW file or a processed TIFF. They will all appear as if an incorrect color profile is being applied, until they are opened up in ACR, where they appear to be correct. The second problem, which I first caught last night when trying to download photos in Photo Downloader, is that the option to convert photos to DNG is grayed out and no longer available! I assume these two problems are related in some way, but I will admit I am no tech and am actually a bit of a Luddite, so I really don't know what's going on here. I am a working photographer though, knee-deep in a major, fast-paced project with no time to waste, and I need to resolve these issues quick. This is vexing, to put it mildly. I know there are a lot of knowledgeable folks here and I hope someone might have some answers. Thanks!<br>


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