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Fuji GSW 690 III and GW 690 III interior differences?


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I purchased both(new)the GSW 690 III and the GW 690 III (a year later)

and noticed that inside looking at the rear element on both cameras

the construction appears different(taking into account one is 65mm

and 90mm).The GSW(65mm)rear assembly is nicely enclosed with a

covering or "plate" exposing only the rear element of the

lens,whereas on the GW(90mm)i can see the focusing mechanism(for lack

of a technical term)and grease that lubricates the focusing

threads,which seems much more exposed than on the GSW(65mm),making

the GW(90mm)look "unfinished" to me.No problem with focusing,just

curious if something is missing in the final assembly.Anyone else

notice this?Thnx.

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The inside of my GW680III looks the same as you described. I haven't looked into the inside of the GSW but I suppose the covering plate would be for shading because the 65mm covers the wider angle and more prone to exhibit flare.


Hope this helps and wish you enjoy shooting with both.

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Thank you,John,Akira and Mike for your information(and photo) concerning the "interior differences" issue.At least now i know they are just built that way.It still seems odd that they would omit the protective "plate" on the GW unlike it's GSW cousin(probably a design thing),oh well i can relax.Again,thank you all for your insight and speedy response...regards.
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