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Approximate cost of VR repair


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<p>I have an first generation variable aperture 24-120 VR. The VR is clearly malfunctioning. When shutter is half pressed, it audibly engages, but instead of stabilizing the image in the view finder, it causes the image to undergo a continuous little jerks. This does not happen with my other two VR lenses. In addition, my tests shows on this lens, the VR functionality is actually hurting, not helping, in hand held shots.<br>

So I am deciding if it is worth repairing the VR functionality of this lens, the alternatives are replace it with the same lens bought second hand on ebay, or replace it with the constant aperture 24-120 VR.<br>

Has anyone tried to have VR repaired? How much does it cost?</p>

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<p>Don't know the cost for a VR repair - but it likely exceeds the cost for a used copy. Nikon wanted to charge me $165 just to replace a defect contact on the non-VR 24-120 - a repair I declined because I could have just picked up a used copy for less.<br>

<br /> I did make the mistake of purchasing the variable aperture VR version to replace the defunct non-VR one - thinking that it will be at least as "good". It wasn't - needed stopping down to at least f/8 to become "acceptable" - which makes it pretty much a one-trick pony (since stopping down just decreases resolution due to diffraction). At least, I assume that I made the guy I purchased it from happy;-)<br /> <br /><br /></p>

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