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Over winding the film for the first time


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<p>I recently loaded a new roll of film on my sq-ai. However, I overwind the first frame so the film passed the arrow and i think I might alreay screw up the first roll of film.<br /><br />Is there anyway I can save the rest of the frames on the film?<br /><br />thanks!</p>
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Dark bags are cheap. Buy one! Then simply rewind the film and start over. Takes about 3 minutes or less to

rewind the film. The cost of the bag is about $15 or so depending on the size. It's simple!


If you don't want to buy a bag, simply don't shoot the last frame on the roll, or the last 2 frames. Simply stop and change film. Your first shots taken will be just fine.


If you are totally mixed up throw out the film and open a new pack. It's only a few dollars. I think everyone on the planet that uses medium format film has screwed this up a few times. So when you aren't sure just throw out the film and start over.

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