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Copal 3 repair


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<p>Hello everyone.</p>

<p>I just got done selling a lens with a copal 3 shutter on the auction site. Buyer got it and complained that the shutter does not work! That part is another story but it must have suffered impact damage during transit.<br>

Does anyone know off hand what can go wrong from impact damage? The aperture and shutter preview all work perfect, however when you try to cock the shutter it starts making the normal sound about half way through the cycle that it normal would at start. The red flag comes up but does go back in. The shutter trip level will not trip the shutter at all? This is true regardless of the speed setting.<br>

Thanks in advance for any advice anyone can provide.<br>


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  • 4 months later...
<p>If I remember correctly first remove front element then there is a brass ring that has to come off After removing ring you should be able to remove front plate. Then you will see the cam plate you will see pins sticking through those slots. You can remove cam plate But remember all those pins have to be aligned back in the slots. If you are going to clean shutter I recommend also removing rear element. The copal is a fairly good shutter except they were made of mostly brass that can wear. Now to clean it I usually used my ultra sonic cleaner with solvent. Make sure it is dried before re oiling. Take a pin just put the least amount of clock oil at each pivot hole. Don't use any other type of oil. There are different ways to clean a shutter but a full cla is the best. If you have any questions let me know. I know this sounds complicated but after doing a few it becomes easy, the next best thing is find a camera repairman, but know it will cost.</p>
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