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How can I get a job as a second shooter?


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<p>Hello Photographers! I am new to this forum and wedding photography in general. I shot my first wedding in May this year with my brother and co-shot another wedding in September. It was super hard work but it was a ton of fun. I have put up a Facebook page to advertise my brother and I as photographers. I want more experience shooting weddings, and I would love to second shoot. The problem is I have no idea on how to get a second shooter job or even a job as an assistant. I am eager to learn and would even shoot for free. I really want to explore this as a career choice<br>

Any advice on how to connect with other photographers who would let me shoot with them? I am located in the Chicago land area if any of you know anybody who would be willing to talk with me. I would even be willing to travel up to 2 hrs if I meant I could second shoot. <br>

:) Thanks!</p>

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<p>It's pretty simple. You'll have to do some research, and be willing to be flexible about what kind of restrictions you are willing to accept (as well as how much you are willing to work for). </p>

<p>I would start by preparing a list of photogs in your area, call/email them regarding your interest, and your willingness to do it for a pittance, while remaining completely professional (your goal is to learn right?). Don't get upset if you get rebuffed again and again, remember that the reason we like to work with specific 2nds is that we can trust those individuals - and generally, we are liable for a second's poor decisions and inexperience (if relevant) - if a 2nd trips and falls into the cake - we (the primary) get the blame, and our reputation takes the hit. Keep that in mind when offering your services to primarys.</p>

<p>Maybe you'll get lucky, maybe not, just also remember that no primary hires a 2nd with the expectation that the photography is going to be brilliant. Sticking to the basics, following instructions, and not walking across the train of the dress (or getting in the primary's shots) are what you should be aiming for. Also, be willing to walk away at the end of the day with nothing more than the experience, some primaries will insist that you hand them your (or their) cards at the end of the day.</p>

<p>You can ignore any/all of this advice, but it's geared toward convincing someone (a professional) to take a chance on you.</p>

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<p>You've gotten one approach already. Here's another. To meet working photographers, hang out where they hang out. Two simple ideas.</p>

<p>1. If there's a good camera club in your city, join it. </p>

<p>2. Join your local PPA guild. You can join as a newbie for very little. Start going to meetings. Don't be shy about introducing yourself to the folks there. As soon as you feel confident enough, ask somebody how you might get a chance to help out as a second shooter.</p>

<p>The second approach (via the PPA) is probably the better one. Many camera clubs have way more amateurs than pros. Not everybody in your PPA is going to be a wedding shooter, and those who are may not be shooting weddings every week, but still, it is ostensibly a guild for pros, so you should find some good folks there. </p>

<p>A tip: Be prepared to do whatever you're asked. You might not right away find somebody who wants you to take photos. You might instead be asked to carry gear, or help with lighting setups or hold a beauty dish, etc. DO IT. If you're working with a really good photographer, carrying the master's camera bag will be educational, at least if you know how to use your eyes and ears. </p>

<p>I wouldn't expect to get paid for this sort of thing, either. </p>


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