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How risky is it to carry loose Hassy backs?


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<p>Hello everyone,</p>

<p>I just acquired a couple extra film backs for my Hasselblad - had only 1 so far which was permanently attached to the camera. When I'm out shooting, I generally carry the camera around my neck and have a handbag (I guess satchel is the correct English word) with loose equipment such as light meter, a box with film rolls, etc. Note that my handbag is not a "dedicated" photo bag with specific slots for specific equipment, those kind of bags tend to be a bit too large and clunky for my taste.</p>

<p>So far I packed my Hassy backs in ziplog bags to prevent dust from entering the backs and put them "as is" directly into my bag. In your experience, how risky is this? I am mostly concerned about the dark slide inadvertently slipping out thus exposing the film. Am I completely nuts and unconscious doing this? How do you guys carry your Hassy backs?</p>

<p>Thanks & Happy shooting,<br>


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<p>There's little danger of the darkslide coming out, but they still need protection from banging into other gear or each other. Two backs will fit safely into one compartment in a camera bag if you place them back to back. (I'm less worried about plastic-to-plastic than dinging up the darkslides or sides.</p>

<p>www.thinktankphoto.com has a non-traditional camera bag with a cute name - Hubba Hubba Hiney - which would be perfect for your application. It fits on your waist or shoulder strap, and is very compact, zipper top, with a non-descript shape. There are partitions which would protect your loose backs and even a lens or two plus extra film.</p>

<p>You can also get a variety of lightly padded pouches for lenses and other gear which will fit inside any bag.</p>

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  • 1 month later...

<p>An update on this -<br>

I found plastic food boxes at the local supermarket for a few euros each. The size fits a back and a bit of foam, it's therefore a very good and rugged protection for the backs. And it does not break the bank.<br>

Thanks for your help :-)<br>


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  • 1 month later...

<p>Late response but anyone else looking for something like this...<br>

<br />A simple padded insert works great for multiple bag types. I really like not looking like i'm carrying a camera bag. <br>

Amazon has them for a very reasonable cost. I have a small and large, i think $15-25 depending on which and the size. I'll put a link here if you want to see which ones i got.<br>

<img src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71xmra78VsL._SL1500_.jpg" alt="" width="1500" height="1000" /><br>


<p><img src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/613NpdQ9YpL._SL1000_.jpg" alt="" width="1000" height="1000" /><br>


Let's me drop a TLR or blad in my bag and run out the door. Swaps easily and you can change partition sizes depending on what you want to carry.<br>

Thanks for the storage/tupperware idea - i'm going to try and find those for my spare A-12's!</p>

<p>HTH! GL!<br>

<br />rob</p>

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