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dSLR + One Lens


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<p>".... for me, is making use of mirrorless cameras. Sony is already producing some very capable models, that some pros are using for their travel photography."<br>

If you look in one of my earlier replies, you will notice that I often use a Sony mirrorless if I do not need the things that the DSLR does that the Sony does not. (Like faster autofocus and follow focus, more frames per second and better high ISO ability.)</p>

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<p>Couple of examples from NEX-7 - first time shooting with the camera. took it on a vacation - purely record shots for my use only.<br>

Cat and bird are cropped images and the canal boat is only slightly processed in post. Primarily sharpening. The colors are as they were - no polarizer was used. Just lucked into a spectacularly well lit scene.</p>

<p><img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-pEzVkgC5FoY/UCE9_bbsjQI/AAAAAAAACOs/I4tJgKnrZwc/w779-h557-no/_DSC0676.jpg" alt="" width="779" height="556" /><br>

<img src="https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/100615462260390986184/albums/5773963352817991665/5773963601145531666?authkey=CP65k93T6IeO8AE&pid=5773963601145531666&oid=100615462260390986184" alt="" /><img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Qi-wpntLSMI/UCE9TbBQjRI/AAAAAAAAFbE/ewzwxtjnjIg/w696-h557-no/_DSC0361.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ciSUbnEP2ls/UCE9bwuRu-I/AAAAAAAAEa0/VZQYhgdL37E/w598-h897-no/_DSC0422.jpg" alt="" width="598" height="897" /></p>


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<p>Ok, Eric... for my tentative upcoming trip, I do not plan to get a Sony or any other new body/lens system, but perhaps for future trips I may consider it.<br>

My current thought is to buy something like the Sony A7r or the newly to be released A9 (not sure of specs... just hearing some rumors... be that as it may), for future trips. So for now, it's going to be the D800E + lenses, etc...</p>

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<p>Hard to go wrong with the D800 + lenses. Other than a weight issue, you are giving up nothing. As far as Sony - the NEX is a crop sensor camera; when I bought mine when it first came out, it was the only game in town. If I were buying today, I would go for the newer FF models like you mention, especially since the remaining Sony cropped cameras don't have a viewfinder. But no way am I going to start all over again with new lenses.</p>

<p>I picked up the Sony for the sole purpose of reducing the strain on my back and shoulders when shooting for my own use. Makes a great snap shot rig. While one could theoretically use the Sony for studio work and other "real" jobs, I have not taken that step. When shooting "for real", I reach for my Nikons. </p>

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<p>Eric - the trip itself will be somewhat expensive. If I could manage, I would get the Sony A7r, along with a lens or two, and get to work. But that's not going to happen for this trip. Anyway, I don't want to be a wimp about it:) Let's just see if I can manage a trip with the D800 and 3 lenses, and not pull out my back. </p>
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