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Light seals source UK


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<p>I've been scratching my head trying to think of the guy who seemed to be the preferred ebay seller of light seals. Finally the scratching has worked, it was Jon Goodman who traded as Interslice on ebay.<br>

He doesn't seem to have anything there now but this thread<br>


might give some leads as it mentions him with a link or two. I used his seals to repair a Mamiya RZ and have no complaints. Someone mentions funky foam in that forum thread, (on page 2), which you can get in the UK from Amazon<br>


<p>Good luck</p>

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<p>Hmmmm, he's not in the UK, but the fellow I've bought all my seal kits from in the US is <br>

<a href="http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/blackbird711/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1">blackbird711</a><br>

They're good quality products, he furnishes complete and well-written and illustrated instructions, and he really doesn't charge much for postage to the UK, especially if you order multiple seals. I've done several backs, both of my own and for my regular camera dealer and his other customers with these kits.<br>

If you're looking for a semi-official source of them located in country, you might try either of these:<br>

<a href="http://www.happyblad.com">HappyBlad</a><br>

<a href="http://www.classicv.co.uk">ClassicV</a><br>

Good luck!</p>

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