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Unusual CF card problem?


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<p>I shoot with Nikon and Canon. Last year I purchased two Kingston 16gb 600x Ultimate CF cards. When I use them with the Nikon D300s I get a message when I put the card in the computer to look at pictures. The message says <strong>Scan and Fix or Continue without Scanning</strong>. I usually choose Continue without Scanning and I get to see my images. The cards are always formatted in camera. Now if I use the same two Kingston cards in my 40D or 5D I don't get the messages and they work perfectly. I always format the cards in my Canon camera's when I use a Canon body. <em><strong>Have you ever heard of such a thing?</strong> <strong>Why the messages with the Nikon and no messages with Canon?</strong></em> With the Nikon body I've switched back to Sandisk 16gb Extreme cards and I don't get any messages when I put the card in the computer to view pictures? It seems like a compatibility issue. <em><strong>Could it be that the cards were made for Canon and not Nikon?</strong></em> I've never heard of such a thing but I guess it could be possible! Can the 40D and 5D take advantage of the 600x speed or the 16gb size of the cards?</p>
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<p>If you shot a little more with the Canon, you'd be on to the fact Rick refers to. ;)</p>

<p>For better or for worse, there are no digital Canon FD cameras. Ask a moderator to move your post to the Canon EOS forum, but frankly, I don't think that the cards are made for any one camera marque. This would be close to madness for any manufacturer, and I can't imagine why anyone, much less Kingston, would do it.</p>

<p>However, the problem could be with your computer or its built-in card reader, if that's what you're using.</p>

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<p>I get that response everytime I put any USB Flash drive into just about any computer, but I virtually never get them when accessing CF cards. My understanding is that, often, it is the computer, not the card. Windows is annoying to the extreme in this regard.</p>

<p>In answer to your question: Can the 40D and 5D take advantage of the 600x or the 16gb size?</p>

<p>Yes, they can both take advantage of the 16gb size. They can also utilize 32gb cards, though I never used 64gb cards with either, so I am not sure if they can read those.</p>

<p>No, they cannot utilize the 600x speed fully. The 5D can write no faster than ~13MB/s, and the 40D caps out at under 20MB/s. For either camera, a 133x card is as fast as the cameras can fully utilize. Neither supports UDMA.<br>

However, a faster card will likely increase the speed at which you can download images to your computer. </p>


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