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Almost beyond words at the sunset I witnessed last night

Bill C1664885404

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<p><strong>Canon FDn 24-35/3.5-L</strong><br>

<strong>The weather provided a wide variety of thick & thin clouds, resulting in a huge range of colors as the setting sun lit them up from behind / underneath...purple, blue, magenta, pink, red, orange, yellow, etc...and the cloud patterns / locations were shifting around constantly on the breeze...j</strong><strong>ust an absolutely stunning visual light show that lasted about 20-30 minutes...up in the sky and reflected back down on the lake water.<br /><br />Must have 50 shots with most of them keepers but I couldn't stop shooting it was so beautiful. Even as I was walking back uphill and out of the woods I kept looking back and could see an even larger vista through the silhouettes of black tree trunks...almost stopped to set everything back up but it was so dark I just stood there and soaked it in for another minute of so. Anyhow, there may be others to share the further I dig, but here's a quick peek of Nature's handiwork right at dark yesterday.</strong><br>

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<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/roundball/PHOTO%20SHARE/031615%20A-Sunset%20Falls%20Lake%20Hwy50%20Bridge%20SW%2071%20LR_zpsxcsaa13d.jpg" alt="" /></p>


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<p>Oh yes...when Sony came out with the mirrorless design, my entire inventory of Canon FDn lens from the 80's sprang back to life.<br />Not knocking film & film cameras at all...but I've been there / done that.<br />Retired, going on 70, this is my full time hobby and I want to take pictures...lots of them.<br />So its the best of both worlds for me...excellent Canon FDn lenses and unlimited shooting / no film costs.<br />( I use manual CIECIO7 FD / NEX Adapters with a tripod foot machined in...you can see it in the photo )<br /><br /><br>

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/roundball/PHOTOGRAPHY/EQUIPMENT/MOST%20USED%20LENSES/b2f6c50d-bd59-42db-9100-dfb5d2651298_zpsbw0lkfdu.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="460" /></p>


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  • 1 month later...
<p>Thanks...atmospheric conditions really worked in my favor that day. A lot of post-sunset light-show scenes at my local lake are kind of so-so with the occasional pretty good one...but this particular trip just knocked my socks off and the Canon FDn 24-25L is just a stellar lens.<br />Been waiting for 'Shutterfly' to hold one of its periodic 50% off sales and just had a 16x20 made of it...now going to get it framed and set it on the fireplace mantle in the den.</p>
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