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Light eyes while using blacklights


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<p>I plan to take pictures of a model that I'll light using only blacklights. The model's face and body will be painted with UV paint. Since the eyes will absorb all the light of the blacklights, I was wondering how I could make them stand out so they don't look dark (especially with the rest of the face covered with fluorescent paint) without having to use UV contact lenses.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help!</p>

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<p>Have the model hold the post, and shoot a second frame that's strobe-lit. Composite the eyes after the fact, blending just enough of the second shot to bring up the eyes as you see fit. Too much would look all wrong, but having that traditionally lit second shot from which to work will solve the issue. It's more work, but solves a lot of problems you don't have any other way to directly address. You can also false-color the composite so the well-lit eyes can take on some of the same perceived hues as the UV shots.</p>
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<p>Or you could just get a few contact lenses which light up under blacklight</p>




<p>Not exactly expensive, similar in use as normal contact lenses, and available in various colors</p>

<p>Also a lot easier to photograph with (no need for double exposures which would demand the model to stay in exactly the same position and posture to avoid a double rimmed silhouet)</p>

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<p>Well, if you're just using the eyes, the model can even sway a bit between exposures and no harm done. Masking around them to make an object that will be drifted over the main exposure, and then just nudging them into place: easy. Could do it faster than I could type the preceding sentences.</p>
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<p>If you're going to do any post-processing, then surely it's just as easy to drop an artificial catchlight into the eye? In fact the old version of PaintShop Pro's solution to redeye was to replace the real iris with a virtual one of whatever colour was needed. Madness! But in this case it might be an ideal solution.</p>

<p>The problem with contact lenses is that unless the model is used to wearing them it'll be like having sand thrown in their eyes. Not to mention controlling the blink reflex to put them in. And that still won't give a realistic looking catchlight; simply a glowing iris - spooky.</p>

<p>Edit: Matt's solution is just as easy, but would require a separate visible lighting setup to achieve. Unless...... How about a secondary flash exposure immediately following the black light one? That would eliminate the need for the model to freeze. It would need a delay trigger to do it though. Something like those little boxes that are supposed to blank out pre-flash triggering.</p>

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