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Hasselblad 501C Versions


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<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>I've been in the market recently for a Hasselblad 501C and while searching the big auction site I noticed that some 501C's have an asterisk in front of the label on the top of the body. </p>

<p>To illustrate, some 501C's are labeled "501C" whilst others are labeled "*501C" with an asterisk or "star" in front of the model number. </p>

<p>Does anyone know what relevance this star symbol has? What are the differences between starred and non-starred models?</p>

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<p>You can see on some of the original boxes where this star is shown that the "quality control" was done in Japan. Because dealers in Japan wanted to distinguish their wares from grey market peddlers I have read that Hasselblad items which were sent to Japan were marked with either a white star on a green background on the little speed ring button on the lenses or with the star like the one you're seeing on the 501c body at eBay.<br /><br />Some people claim that the quality controls for Japan were tighter than in other markets and they will try and sell the idea that a Japan Star model is better than others but I don't believe that for a second. Perhaps I'm wrong about the quality issue but I'm sure someone else here can confirm. <br /><br />So to summarize - they are Hasselblad products that were first sold through dealers in Japan and I certainly would not pay the prices they are wanting for the 501c kits. You will do much better to buy a 501cm kit which are sometimes cheaper than the 501c kits you'll see. But check which screens are in the kits. If you don't see a screen in the kit which has the two notches cut out in the metal frame around the glass then don't pay as much for it as one which does have such a screen. Those are the Acute Matte D screens which have more value than the older screens or the Acute Matte non D screens. The other screens are fine - just not as valuable on the used market as the D screens.<br /><br /><br /></p>
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<p>I also very much doubt that there was a tighter quality control. Even if there were this would have no consequence when buying a used camera. On a used camera mirror- and screen alignment and body dimensions should be checked and aligned with the proper factory tools by a specialist anyway.<br>

BTW, I would recommend to buy a Hasselblad 501 CM as this has the larger mirror.<br>


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