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POTW - 2014-07-20


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<p>Hi folks, hope all is well and that you've had an opportunity to capture a few images or moments this week that you'll enjoy for years to come. To kick off the POTW week this week here are three shots from me while out learning to use a new Vanguard Atla Pro 263 AB tripod with ball head. I seldom use a tripod but am now working on improving my landscape photography skills (which I struggle with). Any feedback or suggestions that will help improve any of the shots is greatly appreciated. Cheers.</p>


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<p>A few of my recent shots:<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17817716-lg.jpg" alt="" width="477" height="720" /><br /> Walkway; K5 & DA 40/2.8 LTD<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17816223-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="450" /><br>

Guest at the Picnic Table; K5 & DA 40/2.8 LTD<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17808396-lg.jpg" alt="" width="477" height="720" /><br>

345; K-5 & DA 16-45</p>


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<p>Thanks Rick, I agree the colour is somewhat deep. These are HDR shots. 5 exposures for each, aperture priority, letting the camera bracket for -2, -1, and +1, +2 EV. It seems to throw colours off with natural objects but works with man-made objects. I'll try manipulating the next images so the natural objects don't look as surreal.</p>
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<p>Hey Duane, thanks for starting the thread once again. My contribution is from another upstate New York Adirondack Mountain hike, Mt. Adams.<br /> Mt. Adams has a fire tower on the summit and actually if not for the tower, you would not be able to see anything. In the late 19th century and early 20th century fire towers were built across the USA's forested areas due to very damaging, expensive, extensive forest fires.<br /> The life of a fire tower observer. http://www.adirondackexplorer.org/book_reviews/adirondack-fire-towers-their-history-and-lore<br /> Mt Adams, like many other fire towers eventually decayed and was scheduled to be removed which would have meant losing an absolutely incredible view of the high peak region of the Adirondacks. Through volunteers and donations, the fire tower is now refurbished.<br /> For a short 2.3 mile hike it is actually pretty tough.<br /> #1) A room with a view.</p><div>00cibI-549912984.jpg.4d09f9e19eb1686f5772a5cc563a711f.jpg</div>
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<p>Hello all, I haven't been posting much because we got a new computer upstate and I haven't install photo software on it, so it's midweek by the time I can post and it seems late. like tonight.<br>

Duane I like shot # 2, Rick, I like the door best (and the shadows on the stairs at the bottom of my page). Yury I like #s 1 & 3. Matt, my legs go weak when I think of how high that tower is and the stairs required to get there. <br /> <br />Thre from last month. All K-5 and 55-300mm.<br /> <br />One:</p><div>00cizm-549987084.jpg.3381f3cddc51ffd45f16a8c0bf021104.jpg</div>

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