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F-1N film rewind problem?


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<p>When rewinding film and getting to the end of the roll where the tension is gone I continue to rewind a couple more times. The problem is, the film even though there's no tension leaves a few exposed frames when I open the camera back. Any idea what's going on? I plan to send the camera to Steve at Camera Clinic next month for a cla and that should solve my problem.</p>
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<p >Looking at my "New F-1 World" book that Canon published back in 1982, the F-1N has a clutch in the rewind knob that engages/disengages if something obstructs its movement (while advancing the film). Maybe the clutch on yours is worn out so it's slipping while rewinding the film?</p>
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<p>Mark, a few years back the film advance mechanism in one of my F-1n's (not F-1N's) would jam after a few frames. I took it to my local camera technician and informed him of the symptoms, and he managed to correct the problem.</p>

<p>So, yes, send your F-1N to Steve along with a thorough description of the symptoms of the rewind problem.</p>

<p> </p>

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