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Minolta SRT-201 Questions


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<p>Yesterday I got a Minolta SRT-201 with a 50/1.4 in the mail. The SRT-201 is the later model without the CLC marking and with a different looking rewind knob. The lens is the last 50/1.4 MD Rokkor-X, before the plain MD model. Everything is in good condition and for a whole $19.95 I also got a late model MD mount Vivitar 2X teleconverter. The meter is fine and the test roll of Walgreens 200 (Fuji) looks good. There are some minor spacing variations between the negatives but no overlapping so that's fine. This is the first SRT-201 of the later type I have added to my collection. It has the combination split image/microrpism focusing aid and its serial number is on the hot shoe rather than on the top of the body. The three earlier SRT-201s I have are all microprism-only types. My son's early model SRT-201 has the combination split image/microprism focusing aids. Did Minolta originally offer the (older) SRT-201 with either focusing screen type or did the split image/microprism type replace the plain microprism type? Did all of the later (non-CLC) SRT-201s have only the combination split image/microprism focusing aids? </p>
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