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W/NW: Medium Format Photo of the Month: May 2014


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<p>Exciting times on the MF forum!!! Seems to be a surge of interest in actually photography rather than endless queries about springs, levers, and glass....Like David on the previous thread, I also attempted to use Velvia handheld with a Mamiya 6MF rangefinder. I'm not too happy with the results, but it's all I've got for this month. I look forward to seeing better work from my colleagues.</p><div>00caVO-548296084.jpg.8e0dd30b395d0ef327691ed3e1a76aea.jpg</div>
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<p>Mamiya AFDIII, 300mm/2.8 APO, ZD Back:</p>

<p><a title="Acropolis by Giovanni Cappai, on Flickr" href=" Acropolis src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7346/14041366992_51aa5c5f47.jpg" alt="Acropolis" width="500" height="375" /></a></p>

<p>Mamiya 645 AFDIII, 200mm APO, ZD Back:<br>

<a title="Last Rays by Giovanni Cappai, on Flickr" href=" Last Rays src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7148/13942064806_7f94a71e28.jpg" alt="Last Rays" width="500" height="354" /></a></p>

<p>Mamiya AFDIII, 35mm, ZD Back:<br>

<a title="Sunset over Athens by Giovanni Cappai, on Flickr" href=" Sunset over Athens src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7103/14055808172_846c6fb77e.jpg" alt="Sunset over Athens" width="500" height="375" /></a></p>

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<p>Two more. Mamiya AFDIII, 35mm, ZD Back: <br>

<a title="Sunset by Giovanni Cappai, on Flickr" href=" Sunset src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5521/14195821406_668547896f.jpg" alt="Sunset" width="500" height="375" /></a></p>

<p><a title="Moments away from Summer by Giovanni Cappai, on Flickr" href=" Moments away from Summer src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5583/14024323140_1d8d1d1e9c.jpg" alt="Moments away from Summer" width="500" height="374" /></a></p>

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<p>I'm dealing with a light leak in my Mamiya RB67 so I'm more frustrated with medium format than I am actively shooting and loving it. Hopefully my light seal replacement works. Here's one from the last test roll that didn't show any leak. Anyone dealt with the RB67 and solved a stubborn light leak? </p>

<p><img src="http://wolfeye.smugmug.com/Photography/BlackAndWhite/i-d62crkL/0/L/IMG_0002-L.jpg" alt="" width="729" height="600" /></p>

<p>Lion and lioness in the tall grass of Kenya. AKA Two kids in the grass in Iowa.</p>

<p><strong>Mamiya RB67, Kodak Tmax400, Red filter</strong></p>

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<p>Hasselblad on Arista.edu developed in D-76 1+1</p>

<p><a href="http://s5.photobucket.com/user/d4xycrq/media/Alix%20Prom%202014/362e61f9-ef04-48ba-8b06-866d37110d17_zps49373240.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y171/d4xycrq/Alix%20Prom%202014/362e61f9-ef04-48ba-8b06-866d37110d17_zps49373240.jpg" alt=" photo 362e61f9-ef04-48ba-8b06-866d37110d17_zps49373240.jpg" border="0" /></a></p>

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<p>Arca Swiss F-Line 6x9 with Horseman 6x9 Rollfilm Back, Rodenstock Apo-Grandagon 4.5/45mm, 13mm rise, Fuji Provia 100F, scanned @ 4000 ppi and 48bit with Nikon LS 9000</p>

<p><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/108865744/forum/wind_generator_ba_small.jpg" alt="" /></p>


Worry is like a rocking chair.

It will give you something to do,

but it won't get you anywhere.

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