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Pentax 67II CLA In Canada


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<p>I have a Pentax 67II that I'd like to do a CLA (clean, lube, adjust) on and I'm thinking to sending it to Ricoh Canada which services Pentax now. Anyone have any idea of a ballpark figure of what the cost to do this would be?</p>
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<p>I actually diid both methods and they couldn't give me an answer. They wanted me to send it in for an estimate. I'd rather have a little idea on what aa typical CLA costs before I send it in.</p>
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<p>Guess it's fair to ask if anything's "wrong" with the camera or if you just think it "needs" a going-over?</p>

<p>Have never been a fan of the CLA ritual. My film cameras only went into the shop if there was something "off" to be fixed.</p>

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<p>Scott, if Ricoh turns out to be expensive, consider Cheng's Camera Repair in Saskatoon. I believe Mr Cheng used to be a Pentax factory tech, or something like that. I haven't sent him anything for about six years, so phone first and check the address.</p>

<p>I suspect Don is in the right ballpark, and you can add 10% for the price in $CDN. I was going to guess about 400, but I don't know anything about Pentax. All I know is when I get a plain-vanilla 35mm SLR CLAed by an independent, it's 150 or 175. When I got my Rollei overhauled by Mr Fleenor several years ago, it was 375 (and worth every penny).</p>

<p>Incidentally, I don't see any advantage to staying in Canada. These days I usually send my poxy old cameras to the U.S. They have ten times as many repairers. </p>

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<p>When I consulted with my local contact here, I asked if they had experience with Pentax 67s, and 67IIs. They said that in this last year, or so they have been getting more Pentax 67s then ever. They are confirming their confidence with Pentax 67, and apparently have stocked on parts.</p>
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<p>Everywhere I go, the techs that used to work on these, don't anymore. Because its getting difficult to get any parts for these cameras anymore. I have resorted to getting another AE prism for my camera, which is the only way to improve the appearance instead of replacing the part I wanted to. And because parts are nill, many won't do a CLA, in case it does need parts.</p>
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