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Canon 550d or canon 60d at this moment?

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<p>Hello everyone. I am new to dslr. I am using a slr camera (nikon fg20). So i am new to dslr cameras but not to photography. After doing some researches, it leads me to choose between canon 550d and canon 60d. I have for round 750$. In my country(vietnam), a used 550d(1000-5000clicks) costs 400$ and a used 60d(2000-9000 clicks) costs 600$. So should i go for the 550d and save money for more and lenses? or should i pick the 60d? you guys can call me vinny instead(sorry for my english)</p>
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<p>The 550D is a perfectly good camera, but I personally would go for the more sophisticated control (operating) system of the 60D line. On the xxxDs, more of the control functions are accessed from the back LCD instead of the knobs, etc, on the XXDs. I never found the LCD as good as the more "professional" line, but many people are happy with it.<br>

The greatest bargains in Canon lenses are the Image Stabilized (IS) "kit" lenses, and the EF-S 18-55mm is usually very inexpensive. The EF-S 55-250 is a little more expensive. You would have to spend far more than twice as much to get a lens that was "twice as good" as these kit ones.</p>

<p>Either way, you'll get a swell camera. </p>


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<p>60D is just a tad better: pentaprism vs. pentamirror, articulated screen vs. fixed one, 1/8000 vs. 1/4000 th of a second shortest shutter speed, most of the rest is the same. The articulated screen can be great for macro shots.<br /> Only you can decide whether this all matters for you.<br>

You can use the compare function of Dpreview to view the differences and similarities of these two (and other) cameras. </p>

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<p>Is the price with similar lenses? or w/o lenses completely?</p>

<p>Since you are new to the system, this is a critical aspect. In general, I would go with the cheaper body so you can add something like a 40/2.8 or a 50/1.8 with the difference. But of course that presupposes that you'd get a similar lens (such as a kit lens) with either.</p>

<p>IMO, given your level of experience, I don't expect that you'll see much difference in actual use between the two. The improved interface on the 60D is something that a more experienced photog might demand, but OTOH, you'll most likely see little difference in actual use unless you are constantly using M, or accessing the advanced control capabilities.</p>


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<p>One of the big deciding factors for many folks is what the camera feels like in the hand. The 550D is very noticeably smaller and lighter than the 60D. This may make a difference for you. It did for me, where I decided that a larger frame camera was a better "fit" for me than the XXXD (Rebel here in the USA) line. You may find the opposite is true, or that it does not matter.</p>

<p>If you plan to take a lot of photos, the feel of the camera and - as others mentioned - the features and menu system, can make a big difference in your enjoyment of the camera.</p>

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