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Problem with black and white neg - could be in camera, could be in development...


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<p>Wow, I cannot figure this one out. I originally purchased a Fuji GW690III and there was an issue with the black and white negative development. Near the edges there would sometimes be small groupings of dark "spots" near the edge of the negative. It almost looks a little like lens flare or light leak except for the fact the the spots are <em>darker </em>and not lighter on the negative scan (pos version) <br>

I have tried multiple types of black and white film and have made sure that my tank and reels (Patterson) are clean. I have not see this phenomena on hasselblad negatives that I have processed recently as a comparison. <br>

Man, if anybody has any ideas about what might be causing this it would be so very helpful. With all the tests I went ahead and returned the GW690III and recently bought a GW690II and it is producing the same problem. I am not sure if it is some kind of flaw common in the camera, or if it is development!</p>

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<p>Is the pattern of spots persistent? Could be shadows cast by strands of dust/degraded sticky foam seals/scrap of backing paper, stuck to the edges of the film gate, just ahead of the film. I once had this affect a whole roll in my Mamiya.</p>

<p>But this is all guesswork until you show us a scan! That is pretty much mandatory for diagnosing negative problems...</p>

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<p>Air bubbles caught under the rim of the reel. I have had exactly this same thing myself many moons ago. I would recommend pre-soaking with quite vigorous initial agitation, or if you're not into pre-soaking, then a little more vigour in your initial agitation with the developer to ensure the air bubbles are dislodged.</p>
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<p>John, as above, it is a development technique issue. Is the reel well submersed in the fluids at all stages? Particularly in the case of this, the developer, and pre-soak water bath, if you are using. However, this is most likely result of bubbles along the edge from insufficient agitation.<br /><br />This works for me: Throughout the agitation, I alternate between inversion, and a roll of the tank, this way then that, on the bench top. Then when standing the tank up, give it sharp tap from underneath, to dislodge bubbles.<br /><br />Cheers, Kevin</p>
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