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The difference between the Canon FD 85mm f1.2 lenses


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I noticed that there are at least two kind of the Canon FD 85mm f1.2


One is marked ¡°CANON LENS FD 85mm 1:1.2 L¡± with black lens mount

and another is marked ¡°CANON LENS FD 85mm 1:1.2 S.S.C ASPHERICAL¡±

with chrome lens mount. I wonder what is the difference between those

two lenses?

Any input is welcome.





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The SSC lens with the Chrome ring (referred to as Breech lock) is one of the older FD lenses. The first is an FDn lens.


Check out the following links:





I personally prefer the FDn lenses to the Breech lock.

Optically, the FD lenses were meant to be good, but L glass is meant to be really nice. I'd say if you have the $$$, go for the FDn L lens. My preference to the new style lens is swaying me.



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WENGE, Optically there is no differnace between these two lenses they have the same formula and glass the only differance is in the way the mount lock works (rotating ring S.S.C. or rotating lens with locking button nFD)and the printing on the brand ring. They have the same coating and will both produce stunning results. Both weigh a ton the S.S.C. version being the heavier of the two due to the materials used in the barrel and mount construction. MY advise would be to buy the one in the best condition or if they are in simular condition then buy the cheaper of the two. A number of the members of the Canon FD group on Yahoo have these lenses and enough good can't be said about them.


If you can afford one you will be a happy photographer.


Mark W.

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The early Aspherical SSC does not accept the Canon bayonet lens hood. The later red stripe 85mm f1.2 uses BT-72 hood. Canon never made a hood for the earliest 85mm f1.2 Asherical SSC version. Also the amber tint in the earliest version may be a sign of thorium. Which some Canon Collectors find more desireable but other collectors ,like myself, are bothered with the possible low radioactivity. I prefer the FDn mount and I use my Canon made lens hoods most all of the time.

One last point I'd offer is the FDn 85mm f1.2 were produced through 1994! Some of the very last glass Canon made for the FD photographer! Well into the EOS era. Likely lots of life left on those apperature blades! But DO LOOK at them to confirm as THIS IS a popular prograde optic and can be quite used though still Mint- in appearence. Get a good flashlight and macro hood, or simply cut the back out of a rear lense cap. Attach the cut out cap or macro hood and the lens blades are deployed. Close the apperature down and inspect the blades.

For me, I would go for the later FDn red stripe version. Lindy

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