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Asking For Feedback


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<p>Do you normally seek feedback from clients after delivery?</p>

<p>I estimated that 30% of my clients gave me a warm "thank you" and never heard back from again. The other 70% gave me more emphatic positive remarks and refer me clients or leave comment on my other FB wedding postings.</p>

<p>I wanted to know, for example, if they wanted more reception shots or less ceremonial shots and so on. But I never asked because why rock the boat when they are happy with the result already.</p>

<p>Do any of you give your clients a survey or questionaire after delivery to see how they liked or didn't like parts of your work?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Call them on the phone. Every one of them. You can't go wrong learning from your customers. If they like you they will be flattered by the attention. If they have concerns you have the opportunity to head off problems and learn from them. Let me ask you this. How would your client feel if, after expressing a concern, you said, "that is a very good point. I am going to incorporate your ideas into my shoots in the future". </p>

<p>You have given them credit for their intelligence. You have responded to their concern. You have learned from them. And they think you are a real professional not some know-it-all prima donna. </p>

<p>It comes down to this. There is an old saying in the Army. "You never hear the bullet that gets you". This is true with customers too. If you know of a problem you can work to ameliorate it. If you don't know about it you are powerless.</p>

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