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NK Guy

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I've long thought that there's a need for a FAQ which addresses the sort of

questions that beginners actually ask. So I've written one.


<A HREF= "http://photonotes.org/articles/beginner-faq/"> http://

photonotes.org/articles/beginner-faq/ </A>


This is the first public draft, so comments, corrections and suggestions are

appreciated - preferably by email. Thanks!

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<cite>How does this compare to this?</cite>


<p>NK sent me a link to a preliminary draft of his new FAQ a few weeks ago, and one of the things he mentioned as his rationale for writing this one is that the existing FAQ is getting stale.</p>


<p>Remember the target market for this document - EOS newbies. Most of them are looking in the stores and wondering whether they should buy an Elan 7 or a Rebel Ti, or whether the 28-90 kit lens is any good, or things like that. The existing FAQ is silent on these questions because the most recent topic I see in it is from 1997, and most of the bodies and many of the lenses that EOS newbies will look at in the stores didn't even exist then. Some of the old questions still apply, but many are losing their relevance to more modern equipment.</p>

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First off, thanks for the kind words, everyone! Much appreciated.


>I don't suppose you could be talked into combining everything into one

master doc?


Well, Steve's right that I wrote my FAQ with a very different audience in mind.

Bob and Alvin's FAQ is quite technical compared to mine. While I like

technical info as much as the next person, I felt it was important to get

something together for people with a bit less experience. Mine is also a bit

broader in that it answers some general beginner photography question in

addition to EOS-only questions.


I'm not sure I'd characterize their work as stale as such, though it's true it

hasn't been updated that recently. As for Keith's question about combining my

FAQ with Bob and Alvin's, I don't think it's really my position to do that. I

wanted to write something that filled a different need and I don't want to usurp

their work. Besides, my thing is long enough as it is. :)

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