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Compur or Prontor shutter in my 80mm Zeiss Planar?


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<p>Can anybody help me ascertain which shutter type I have in my 80mm Zeiss Planar C 2.8? It's my Hassy 500C's original lens and the kit dates from 1995 I believe. The lens's serial no. is 7468652, the camera body's serial no. 17ET10172. Any suggestions much appreciated.</p>
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There are a few differences between Compurs and Prontors too: no self timer or synch delay setting. Different stop down mechanism. Different speed-aperture linkage.<br>Both Zeiss companies Deckel (Compur) and Gauthier (Prontor) were making shutters, had been doing so for quite a while, when Zeiss decided to shut down the Compur factory. In the switch from Compur to Prontor, features (and parts) of the Compur may indeed have been carried over into the 'new' Prontor shutter that was to appear in Zeiss/Hasselblad lenses. But as mentioned, there are differences.<br>One of them i haven't mentioned above was, of course, the little switch that uncoupled the shutter so only the aperture mechanism would work in 'F mode'. Patented by Prontor naming Hasselblad's Lave Tenne as inventor.<br><br>One sign of a different outlook on how to conduct business was the mention of first the Compur and later the Prontor name on the shutters. The Prontor name soon disappeared (giving rise to questions such as the OP's) because it was considered not to make good commercial sense by the management back then to advertise some other company on a Hasselblad product. Yet though the Prontor name went, the Zeiss name remained. But we were left guessing who made lenses like the 60-120 zoom, or the later tele-converters, which only said "Hasselblad" on them.
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