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ML-L3 and D7000


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<p>Hello all,<br>

My ML-L3 remote shutter release doesn't seem to focus my D7000. It just activates the shutter as is.<br>

Not the end of the world, but I feel like I am doing something wrong.<br>

Advice is happily accepted.</p>




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Check to see that the AF Assist Illuminator is coming on. (Page 210 in the manual). I have mine set ON.<br>

Then when using any or all of the three options for Remote Mode (Page 80 in the manual) the AF Assist Illuminator comes on, and focus is achieved for taking the picture. I just tested this and it works with my D7000 and ML-L3.<br>


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<p>I don't have the ML-L3, but without using that, if you press on your D7000's shutter release button half way, does the camera focus? Or perhaps your D7000 is set up so that only the AE-L/AF-L button or another programmable button controls the focusing?</p>
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<p>It certainly sounds as if you have some menu options set such that the camera ignores focus-priority John. Do you ever get out-of-focus pictures when using the ML-L3? If so, then a non-default menu option has been chosen somewhere, because by default the shutter should lock until focus is achieved. Unless of course the lens or camera is set to manual focus; in which case you obviously won't get AF with the ML-L3, nor with a half-press of the camera shutter button either.</p>

<p>Another possibility is that the camera is already in focus before you press the ML-L3 button, and the focus won't be activated then either. This would be the case if you've set the camera on a tripod and already activated AF via the shutter button or AF-ON.</p>

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<p>Thank you, all, for your replies.<br /> I've got the AF illuminator set to "on", but it doesn't seem to be illuminating, and the cameras focuses normally when using the integral shutter release button. I'm going through the settings but coming up with nothing that makes the AF work with the remote. <br /> Very odd.<br>

The AF illuminator used to come on until I happened to switch it off last week. Now I can't get it to work. Perhaps these issues are related.</p>

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