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Fractalius problem

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I've been trying to download the demo version of Fractalius by Redfield PlugIns.


I'm using Windows 7 and Photoshop CC.


I can unzip and install the file and it appears in the Filters/plug-ins list in Photoshop CC.

I do however get an error message during installation that says something like 'This software may not have installed properly - please try reinstalling with settings compatible to this version of Windows'

I click the button to do that and the dialogue box disappears.


Fractalius appears to open OK and I can apply effects in preview. However when I 'click the tick' to apply the effects the progress bar keeps recycling

ie it appears to complete but then starts again...and again...and again...


Task Manager then tells me that P'shop is not responding and so I have to close it.


Anybody got any tips please? I've emailed Redfield but am not expecting a response for a few days so thought I'd try here.






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<p>I have Fractalius (version 1.85) installed in Photoshop CC on Win7 64 bits and the plugin works properly. But if you have a high resolution image, the process is quite slow and the progess bar must complete several steps...Try the plugin with a low resolution image (800 pix width for example) and you will see if the plugin works properly.</p>
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<p>I used Fractalius for some of my flowers work and at the beginning I had bad slow results.After few exercises I saw that ,as Jack said,if I work in PS the photo with all I want and the last to be fractalius,before use it I resize it usually to 800,900pix and the program works well, roughly 30seconds process time.You can see my <a href="/photodb/folder?folder_id=852708">INTERPRETATION FOLDER</a></p>
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