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Which camera for Aptus II 65 ?


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<p>Hello all,<br>

I located a used but good condition Aptus II 65 DB, which I intend to use for copying flat art, fine art paintings for licensed Limited Edition prints, as well as for outdoor landscape photography, to take advantage of the best dynamic range it offers over my Canon 5D2.<br /><br />With the Aptus the seller bundled camera is a Hassy 500 CM + HB 100mm, 80mm lenses.<br /><br />I think the 500CM is quite an old camera to use for my specific need of outdoor shots. Am I wrong?<br /><br /><br>

In that case which best used camera model, at a reasonable price?<br /><br />And these 2 lenses are good for my both purposes?<br /><br />I am new to MF photography and gears. <br /><br />Your sharing is valuable....</p>


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<p>Are you referring to the the Aptus II 56 (you listed 65)?</p>

<p>The 500CM should work well - I'd get an Acumatte or Maxwell screen for it. It may need service.</p>

<p>The 100mm is great for copying art work. Depending on the size of the artwork you may need an extension tube. </p>

<p>For "for licensed Limited Edition prints" consider a 4x5 monorail precision view camera with a modern 210mm lens. Have drum scans made from the film. Either Fuji Velvia E-6 or Kodak Ektar C-41</p>

<p>For landscapes the Hassy will be just fine. You may want to add a 50mm wide-angle lens.</p>

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<p>The seller quoted 'Aptus II 65, 28mp'. Ididnt see it yet. He asks $5500. (I dont know if right price, for a perfectly working used one)<br>

I may have to copy from 4x3 ft paintings to 5x10 ft at least. I may have to buy Multistitch for those bigger ones.<br>

Film??<br />No, I have no Labs nearby and do not know color film developing. Apprehensive to invest in an inhouse Lab, film is discontinued by all mfrs, shortly. Kodachrom is stopped, Velvia 100.... Cant say when others too.<br /><br />Isn't any digital camera suitable ?</p>

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<p>I believe that your Leaf/Hasselblad setup will be find for art copying. In my experience, the most important tools needed when shooting this sort of work are a tripod and level. You need a solid platform for the camera and confidence that your sensor and art are parallel. </p>

<p>Good luck! This is exacting and interesting work.</p>

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