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Monument Valley


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It is really difficult to get exceptional photos here without a guide. You can't enter before sunset and you have to be out before sunset. No sweet light. I suggest a native american by the name of Toney Begaywith Keyah Hozhoni Tours 520-674-1960 the last I checked. He seems to have an eye for photography and knows where to take you for that sunrise or sunset shot. It may cost you $20.00 to $60.00 but it is worth it! He is willing to get up whenever you want to and take you into the monument. He was even on time at 5:00 AM!


I say don't worry about filters and use the best film around, Fuji velvia 50ASA. It will pop the colors enough for you (all the colors) that one filter cannot do. Unless you like EVERYTHING the color of your filter. You may want to bring a polarizer for those dusty days but I kind of like that look sometimes. Always have a skylight filter on though, I was caught in a dust storm one time and it was ugly!! It made for great pictures though.


Good Luck!



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I had a hard time working there, and suggest as a minimum the following: 4WD, high-rise (at least 8") vehicle; an anchor to hold your tripod to the ground in the wind; enough lens to reach a long ways; and strong glue to keep your hat on your head. Good luck, John.
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I was there a few weeks ago. THe gate was closed when I returned after sunset. Got wonderful photos of sunset sky and also the eastern sky as it turned magenta.I did use filters to enhance the eastern sky. THe gate was notlocked, just closed, so I opened it, drove through and then closed it. No problem. I think it is kept that way for those Navajo members who live inside. As far as sunrise, I was only there for a few hours. Enjoy haveing more time. If you get a guide, go to Picture window view, Suzy Yazi's hogan and the area. She has a herd of goats many of which have 4 horns. Wierd. Enjoy, it is a wonderful place, a guide would get you to locations less visited.
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I don't really agree that you need a guide, though there are parts of the area that are off limits unless you have one. There is a fairly extensive broadly circular trip you can make which takes you to many of the main vistas. The road is rough but I think I recall that most of the vehicles on it were cars not high-clearance 4WD


This route is closed between sunset and sunrise, though as a poster above indicates the gate might not be locked. I think the intention is quite clear though. For sunrise and sunset the classic shot is the two Mittens. Even if you can't access the parking lot- from where this shot is often taken - there's a little road off to the left before you reach the lot that leads to a campsite. This is accessible all the time-or at least it was when I was last there in April 1998. It's a really nice spot for both end of the day. Personally I'd support the Velvia recommendation, and though you won't need it for the sunrise/sunset shots, a polariser will be useful during the day.

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