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Just bought a Canon AE-1.


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<p>Hi everyone, I have been a Canon Fd user for years, mostly the F1, old and new, but also the T-90 and the Ftb. Well today I bought an AE-1, black body, having purchased two lens a couple of days ago, the 28mm 2.8 s.c and the 50mm 3.5 Macro. Strange how these things just happen! :)<br>

I actually prefer a lighter smaller body these days, and I plan to make good use of it. The camera is not as simple as it looks so I might well be back with a few questions at some time. The first would be, what is the metering pattern, center-weighted? Thanks.</p>

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<p>I bought one (still have it) when they first came out. The AE-1 was the first of a new breed of camera. Hugely popular at the time. I think it was around 1977 or so.</p>

<p>If you'd like to see the original sales brochure (first page below):</p>


<p><img src="http://basepath.smugmug.com/photos/i-MJgFZmq/0/M/i-MJgFZmq-M.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>My first 35mm's were both Minolta Maxxums--an XTsi and a 70--and I still love them both. Then several years ago an old girlfriend gave me a Canon AE-1 outfit, complete with bag and several lenses, that had belonged to her recently-deceased father. In short, it's still the camera I reach for more than any other I own, film or digital.</p>
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<p>Canon's account at http://www.canon.com/camera-museum/history/canon_story/1976_1986/1976_1986.html <br>

My effort to get an AE-1 working turned out to be futile, and I probably won't bother again (the body looks nice anyhow) since I really much prefer the whole operating system on the AE-1 Program. That one is really a quite different camera, despite the similar appearance (<a href="/canon-fd-camera-forum/00XFXF">link</a>).</p>

<p>Show us some pictures both of and with the camera. ;)</p>

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<p>Man, I just over expose 1 stop ALL DAY when using my AE-1 in the city, ends up pretty reliable since there are so many shadows trying to pull the exposure down.</p>

<p>The downside to centerweighted is you have to calculate focus and exposure on the center, before you recompose the shot</p>

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